Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Victory Over Land!

Hi Everybody, Sorry I haven't been posting very frequently lately. I've been up to my neck with work on my Rex Steele book production. I did want to announce that "Belle du Jour" has officially passed it's one thousand books sold mark! It's now half way through its print run, just another thousand left!

On another note, My friend Nate and his wife Esther are organizing an art auction to benefit the ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION at the end of this month. It'll be held at the Maverix Studios in San Francisco. So swing on by and buy some art for a good cause. Or Donate some art even! Or both!

I'm hoping to do a little somethin' somethin' for the show myself, hopefully I can squeeze it in.


  1. congrats!! i'll *finally* be picking up my copy when the travelling book store comes to school! can't wait :)

  2. Bill,

    Nice to have you back, and congratulations on the great sales! The book deserves all the praise and success it is experiencing.

  3. amazing...
    but not surprising...
    its an absolutely awesome book Bill!

  4. Oops, that last comment was me... wrong profile...

  5. Make it 1001, I just ordered mine. YAY!

  6. happy news on your book sales. You deserve to sell a million they really are an inspiration... i read someone elses as it happens. I found the plot a little tricky but the general feel was wonderful

  7. FINALLY GOT MY COPY!! so far today is my favourite day of the week :)


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