Monday, September 24, 2007

Bombs Away!

Bookplates have returned! Only temporarily however. I've made three new ones, two of them are going into two very special editions of my Belle du Jour book to be auctioned off this Saturday at Maverix Studios in San Francisco. The art auction is to raise money for the ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION (see my last post for more details)
These special editions are not part of my numbered 100, so they do not count tword my 30 remaining bookplates. I'll do those at a later date.
Here are the books (complete with original art bookplates) for the auction.

This third bookplate will arrive at a secret undisclosed location... shhh.


  1. Wow this rabbit girl is so cute !
    I'm jalous of the way you use colors, so sweet with just enough details :)

  2. ..hopefully it arrives at my house, LOL.

    Absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to receive my copy!

  3. Beautifully appealing Bill. I am so happy i own one of the book plates!! Your book was tremendously inspiring.

  4. You Sir . . . have a sickness of great talent. Beautiful work as ever,


  5. Adorable and sexy! As always! What a generous donation! I'm sure they'll find eager hands to hop to (oh! that WAS bad!)

  6. I keep checking my mailbox, hopeful that mine is the mysterious "undisclosed location." Nothing yet.

    Gorgeous work, Bill.

  7. Very nice stuff! I'm keeping my eye out for one of those 30 still out there... :)

  8. these are lovely, Bill. I hope that I can pick up one of the remaining bookplates before they all go.

  9. Beautiful!
    I got a copy of the book from BrandstudioPress. Its so nice and exciting, and masterful...
    Love it

  10. Great work! You are a definate master of creating appealing shapes.

  11. Hi Bill, I'd like to order one of your books, as well as a Rex Steele book, if that is still available, but I couldn't find your contactadres. Could you please drop me a line at info(thingy)creamdog(dot)net?

  12. You not only are a talented man, but a generous one as well. Great art for a great cause.

  13. Wow man i'm soo jeolouse at how beutiful your strokes are on your girls. I met you at ComicCon and bought your book and I must say that it's my prize position from ComicCon07. I sure hope you'll be putting out another one for 08. Untill then I can oogle at your artwork here.

  14. Yes, this is fantastic. I am so glad I have one of my own.

  15. Bill, how do I become a pimp (like yourself), and a follow up: is it easy to do so?

    You rule.

  16. Hey Bill I just wanted to let you know that in the final seconds of the charity auction I edged out Stuart Ng's brother to win the bid on your book. I'm so happy to finally have a copy of it. The bookplate is incredible as is all your work!

  17. Just found your blog for the first time, and all I can say is wow! Really great sense of style!

  18. Where's your e-mail link?!
    I thought you might like this post about some Sinatra paintings on Ebay...

    My best,

    Pumpkin Man

  19. Those are beautiful, I still think your book was one of my best buys from San Diego this year! Can't wait to see more of your stuff!

  20. Congrats on the win Sanjay, I'm glad you got one. Do you know who won the other? It's a mystery to me.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Sinatra paintings Pumpkin Man, I had no idea he ever did such a thing. I was also surprised to learn recently that Hugh Hefner attempted a career as a gag cartoonist before founding playboy.

  21. great book!!! i love your work! :D

  22. Hey Bill,

    I just wanted to see who published your book and if you would recommend them? Also any contact information or additional information would be greatly appreciated. If you're okay with it you could send me an email @:




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