Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Destination: France - Chapter 3

I'm back.
I've been in New York for a small vacation and a wedding.
I've got a little bit of a backlog of Belle Du Jour orders to fill, so please be patient as I catch up.

Here's the final cover for the Rex Steele french edition. Or at least final as of the moment, I might monkey with it some more before print. The font at the bottom might change and/or be in French eventually. We will see.


  1. Great cover, can't wait to get the book in France !
    Thank you for your comment on my blog :) I've received my copy of your "Belle du Jour" a few days ago and I've been totaly impressed by your work, so ispiring to me. I'm a big fan ! ;)

  2. turned out super bill! welcome back.

  3. Wow!
    I didn't know you had a blog! I didn't know you had a new book! I didn't know you had a french edition of Rex!
    All are great news. Congratulations!
    Will the french book have more stories than the original. Will it include the story "A deadman's duel" from Afterworks?

    I'm very excited and inspired seeing again your work.

    Jose Luis Agreda

  4. I posted something on your new book on my blog. Hope you like it!!

    My best,

    Pumpkin Man

  5. Love how you handled Penny. Nice green-penny eyes.

  6. Yes, glad to see you back posting. The cover looks fab!

  7. holy cow thats freakn awesome. Great like always!

  8. Aww man, don't make me buy the French version just for the cover. Also, just wanted to say that I finally picked up Belle du Jour at gallery Nucleus. Really great book man. Everything from the book design to the sketches. Top notch!

  9. I'm looking forward to reading your book in french ! Your work is just amazing !!


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