Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bookplates are here!!

Thats right, the final 30 bookplates are finished!

For anyone who might be new to my blog; I've created 100 special editions of my book Belle du Jour that include tipped-in original art bookplates. I sold the original 70 at last years San Diego comicon. I will be selling 25 of the remaining 30 here on my blog. 4 will be sold in an exhibition at Gallery Arludik in Paris in June, and the final 1 I'm keeping as a memento of this endeavor :)

Here's the plan.

If you would like to purchase one, they will be made available as of Friday May 16th at approximately 1pm Pacific time (thats 4pm Eastern time, 10pm Europe/Paris time, 6am May 17th Brisbane/Australia time, to name a few). At that time I will make a post to my blog giving the go signal. Once I've given the signal you may e-mail me at The first 25 people to e-mail me will be given the option to purchase one (one per customer please). I'm not going to accept orders before the go signal is given (sorry). The first person to e-mail will get first pick of the 25 available bookplates, the last person gets whatever is left.

They will sell for $150 each (plus shipping and handling), which includes the signed original art as well as the book. Payment options will be discussed with each of the 25 e-mailers individually (paypal is preferred though).

I hope that makes sense. You can e-mail me or leave comments if you have any questions.

Here's what they look like.


  1. Number 23 or 17 here I come!!! I've been following this blog since it was created and it just keeps pushing me to push myself. Thanks for the continual inspiration Bill.

  2. Wow, Bill they look great! I can't wait until Friday!


  3. Arrrghh, their so cool. I just wish it was in my budget right now. I finally got your artbook, so that'll have to do for now.

    Great color choices as always, especially with the bottom prints.

    Inspiring as ever, don't ever stop.

  4. Suggestion: tell people to use a particular subject heading when you make your "for sale" post. That way they'll stand out in your e-mail listing, and you'll be able to tell that they read your blog, and didn't just send an e-mail a few moments early to get the jump on everyone else. Great looking stuff!

  5. Man...Your the Patron Saint of Fun GIRLY DRAWINGS.

    Thanks for sharing them.


  6. Wow ! I wish I could get all of them ! So beautifull...
    Bill, you're the Master.

  7. fingers crossed that i'll be one of the 25. regardless, wonderful work man! just wonderful! keep up the great work!

  8. Fiawol,
    Great idea, I'll do just that.

    I would definitely have to argue with you about which one of us is the master, because it certainly isn't me. It was quite an honor sharing some pages with you in the Eye Candy for strangers book. It was a very happy surprise.

  9. How frickin' adorable are these? The Umbrella Girls are amazing! #13 is my favorite!

    Luckily, I've already got my bookplate (or I'd be biting my nails right now! Freaking out that I wouldn't get one!).

    Congrats on finishing the 100 Bill!

  10. beautiful work in your blog!! I love the mexican girl!!
    very good edition of bookplates as well!! congrats :)

  11. Thanx for the kind words, Bill. It was a real happy surprise for me too ;)


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