Friday, August 24, 2007


I'd like to thank everyone for their enthusiasm for my book. I'm very happy that it's been received so well.
Unfortunately I'll not be able to fill book orders for a short period. Starting today Friday August 24th until Wednesday September 5th to be specific. So please hold off from ordering Belle Du Jour in that time, or if you do order please know that it will not be filled until September 5th earliest.
Any outstanding orders as of this moment will be filled today.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. It's times like these where you need an intern or fan (unpaid, or paid just with random artwork) to pack and mail items so you can continue on with your daily duties. It's "fun" to get an item packed directly by a favorite artist, but it's not something we "need". Sign up a couple dozen books to have on hand at all times, and just save the orders that request personalizations until you're available again. Thanks for all the time you give to your fans as it is!

  2. I loved the book bill and it was great meeting you at the SDCC.

  3. hey man i know you must get this alot but is that water color or acrylics curious

  4. Just got your book and was blown away. Amazing work! It's so great to see pin-up work that doesn't rely on pencil-thin girls with massive chests. Your girls are voluptious and sweet. Thanks so much for publishing. I'm all depressed I missed out on one of your hand painted pieces though at comic con.

  5. Bill, just looked through a copy of your book from a friend here at work who got #65. I sat there stunned looking at it for quite some time. I couldn't explain the emotional impact on me to see the care and love you put into each one of these. It's obvious you do these from passion. The masking of the painting for the sponge effect is really such an extra level of polish that makes each one of these a treasure for the lucky hundred who managed to get one of these. I'm kicking myself for not going to SDCC for this reason alone! Anyway I'll order one of your books sans painting since I couldn't seem to tear myself away from cracking opening friend's every half an hour or so at work yesterday:) Cheers, -Ray

  6. AMAZING ART! I wanted to go to Comicon, maybe I will go next year and buy your book! ehehe
    Intereseting anyway!!!
    Your art is GREAT!!!

    All Best



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