Friday, June 8, 2007

Fight Rex Fight! Part 3

Once I showed those thumbs to my creative partner Matt, he had some constructive criticism. Too much glowering and posturing. It interrupted the flow and energy. He was totally right, you can't have a knock down drag out knuckle brawl with people lookin' at each other 'tween every punch. So I went back to the drawing board and busted these out:

Great, it's shorter and more to the point. I was in a much better head space now. Did these:

Almost there, did a refining pass and got the balance and composition more tied down.

And after that, onto the roughs!


  1. Hey Bill-- it's about time! Great to see your story-telling and chicks and words online at last. Wicked!

  2. Great insight into your process, Bill. Thanks for sharing.


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