Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Nazi's Attack!

I realized that all these thumbnail panels can be a little redundant. So I decided to post something a bit more crowd pleasing before I continue onto part three.

For those who don't know, this is Greta Shultz: Girl Nazi, Rex Steele's arch villainess. She is acting slightly out of character.


  1. hubba hubba hail! (except i actually would never date a nazi....my wife would kill me)
    awesome stuff!

  2. I remember this one from Shane's Drawing Board glory days. Supreme work!

  3. Lovely sketch, Bill. Very fluid. What materials/tools did you use? Copic markers? Digital?

  4. Holy Cow!!!!
    Thank you for having a Blog. Because of this blog, I went straight to your Rex Steel webpage and bought both the Comic and the DVD. Artists need to promote themselves more, and having a blog can only help you in the long run. I am surprised most people don’t see it as a way to sale their art. Sketchbooks are on the rise and there is a big demand for them. Because of this blog of yours, I would have never known about you, and now I want to buy everything you sale… Granted if it’s in the same quality that you are doing now. I look forward to your posts. Thanks.

  5. Oh the glory days of the drawingboard *sigh*

    Nice sketch Bill.

  6. Did I post that one on the drawing board? I don't remember doing that. I did sell the original though, maybe someone else posted it.

    The Fan,
    Thanks for picking up the Rex stuff, you've inspired me to make a clearer link to where one can buy said products.

  7. Awesome Bill, long time no see, great to see ur blog is up, will definitely add to my list.


  8. Thanks Danny,
    Nice hearing from ya. Say hi to Toni for me would'ja?

    If I remember correctly I used grey value design markers, both warm and cool, and some kind of brush pen. I roughed it out with a pink colerase pencil, and tied it down with a graphite pencil, probably a black warrior.

  9. Outstanding. Your blog rules.

  10. Thanks for the reply, Bill. I'll say it again, NEAT sketch. Enjoyed Rex Steele, and will have to find the other installments.

  11. Hey Bill, what was your name called on the drawingboard?

  12. Wow, nice lines! Beautiful drawing!

  13. Very excited to see you have a blog, Bill. Your drawings over on the Drawing Board were rare but consistantly amazing. Looking forward to more!

  14. Bill,

    There was a request to post the full image of the Greta study on my blog--one I sneakily used to herald your blogosphere debut--'cause it intrigues people. "What else was on that page! I gots to know!"

    Do it. Post it. The masses will abate with the clamor an' stuff.


  15. Yes Ronaldo, I'll do it! Gimme a little time to find it though, I'm not very organized.


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