Sunday, June 10, 2007

Satan's Calling Card.

My good friend and associate Ronnie Del Carmen posted a cropped version of this page of Greta studies on his blog. Afterwhich I've been requested to show the whole shebang. It's actually a page from my old portfolio, although most of these drawings were printed in the Rex Steele compilation book.


  1. I must know more about this compilation book, Bill. Where can I get a copy? Great art, btw.

  2. It collects all three Rex Steele comics from the monkeysuit anthologies, includes a new one drawn by my good friend Stephen DeStefano, a sketchbook section by myself, and a whole load of guest art by friends. It came out about three years ago. You can still buy it at

  3. Great stuff Bill. I hopr your on John Carter of Mars with your fun action adventure imagination. I really hope they make that special. I would love to see a drama, or an action adventure come out of pixar. Is there any hope Brad Bird will do Ray Gunn? I just want to see animation used more seriously, like the Eastern World does. Hell they should do Rex Steele, that would be fun to see.

  4. Amazing character sheet! I MUST now go and buy that compilation. Either that or I must get my LCS to order it for their store so they can have Rex Steele love for everyone.

    How about both?

    Lovin' this blog!


  5. OHHHH MY!!!! I didn't think i could ever be attracted to a nazi... Well done mate!!

  6. Thanks for sharing your work Bill. Looking forward to seeing your posts.
    I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  7. i love the angles...especially the choices on her lips. your work is great.


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