Thursday, June 3, 2010

Intercontinental Inks

Back to the girlies!
Here's the first batch of inks for my and Josh Cooley's "54 Intercontinental Cuties" playing card deck. Josh and I decided to do line art with digital color to keep them consistent with each other. Since our styles vary already, painting them traditionally would make consistency that much harder.


  1. very nice inks. Can't wait to get me one of these decks.

  2. I love your girls so so much !!!

  3. I definitely understand the concerns for 'consistency', as far as the card deck is concerned; but I'd still love to see some of these gals done up in watercolor .. in particular, the Scottish lass and the mermaid. Perhaps as 'spin-off' prints..?

    It's shaping up to be a lovely card set, regardless. ^_^

  4. Droosan,
    Yeah, I've been toying with the idea of painting a few of them for no particular reason. Prints are a good idea. Maybe I'll do that.

  5. All awesome, but I would buy the whole deck just for the space station. The Japanese girls are a little scary!

  6. "who want to play?!"
    Really nice work!

  7. i love your inks , and i am really happy to see them
    some thing about their clean look makes them so perfect...

  8. these look great, can't wait for the finished deck!

  9. Great inks. The Russia one is very funny.

  10. hurray i love the switzerland one ^^!! well all of them are just beautifull has usual. fantastic work ^^

  11. I love these! Can I get your permission -- with links and other things, of course -- to post some of these on my Frequently Felt blog?

    Btw, I'm a neighbor: I live in Richmnond. Just up the road from Emeryville.

  12. Hey M.Christian,
    Please do. Post away.

  13. Groovy! It shall go up in a day or so. Great, great stuff!

  14. Awesome! I love the Babushka doll one ^_^

  15. The Norwegian one BETTER be a high card!! You just keep getting better and better, you b.....d!! Great stuff as always.

  16. I do not want to be some kind of "party crasher" here but.. Your inks are wonderful, but i prefer your roughs!

  17. Will you guys by any chance be selling this stuff at APE or Wondercon? There's no way I'm making it to Comic-con.

  18. Hey there "Lost Viking",
    I thought the Norway card might stir you from your hiding place. Don't worry your Norwegian head, she'll be a Queen :)

    We're hoping to go to APE, and Wondercon is probable. Nothing set in stone yet though. Since I live in the bay area I'm sure the cards will wind up in some local shops anyway, so you'll get your chance.

  19. Bill, these are absolutely fantastic. Love the Viking dragon-head sneaking a peek on the Norwegian card.


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