Sunday, June 13, 2010

Intercontinental Box Art

When coming up with the aesthetic for the box design of "54 Intercontinental Cuties" Josh and I were very inspired by some really cool two color pin up playing card boxes from the fifties. Josh came up with the brilliant idea to use an airline stewardess theme for the box and the card backs.

Below is an early rough design pass that I printed and folded together into a box to get a sense of what the real final box would look like. As you can see all the text is hand written and is overall pretty rough, but this gave Josh and I the ability to make our final design decisions.

So here is some of the art I created for the box art. I inked it with a brush on paper.

Below are a couple pictures of the "dummy" which the manufacturer created as a template for the real thing. It's a sturdy flip-top cigarette style box and inside are blank dummy cards which are the same size and material that the final product will be. The dummy is made partly for our approval so we can get a sense of what the final product will be like but also the take our final measurements to create accurate box art.

And lastly here's a sneak peek at the final art for the front and back of the box. Special thanks to Erin Cooley for putting the final package art together in "In Design" and for helping with the fonts. And To Josh for writing the hilarious text for the back.


  1. So nice to see it coming together. This was such a great idea.

  2. Holy Cow this is Fantastic! When and where are these going to be made available? That box is incredible, icing on the tasty cake that is those awesome cards. Great job! :]

  3. this looks like something i would buy.

  4. Look forward to seeing this come to 'life'! Really hope you'll sell it here (in the blog). :) All the best!

  5. Just showed this post to my girlfriend and she insists we now need to pick up at least two packs at comic-con. Beautiful job on the box by the way.

  6. Please let us know how to get these when you have them printed, Bill!

  7. This project is so cool I can't stand it!

  8. This is SO RAD!
    Can't wait to get my set!!

  9. Yeah man I would like to get a pack of these are you going to be selling them online at all?

  10. looks awesome. great colours. please tell me Wales gets a card! :D

  11. Awesome...!
    Love the style and the idea !

  12. I have to say, I've been following this process and every time I see something new, I get more excited! I cannot wait until it's all done and ready for purchase!!

  13. Looks friggin gorgeous! Congrats to you and Josh for another genius idea!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love the silhouetted poses. So sleek, stylish and appealing.

    I really want to check out a deck of these cards. Where/when are they going to be sold?

  16. That is one fine, fine box of the ladies ya got goin on there.

  17. Man, these are great. These guys are lucky they got your art on their company boxes, fun characters, confident drawing and line!

  18. 'Company boxes'? that's what I get for commenting the art before reading the text :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. brilliance simplified..!!
    makes me play poker ..facing the back side of the deck ..for sure...


    (would be great to have you onboard my blog one so so far away from all the fun..)

  21. trop beau le dessin j'adore

  22. To say Great shapes and use of positive negative shape is a gross understatement. Love your work.

  23. man, this is cool. thanks for sharing some process!

  24. Hi Bill, your girls are great, do you do freelance? I need a very hot cartoony girl design for a short I´m planning to do, If you are intrested in sell me a design please contact me: Thanx!

  25. Hi,
    your cards look awesome. Im looking to put together a set myself of my artwork. Any chance you could tell me who is manufacturing your cards for you?


  26. Hi,
    your cards look awesome. Im looking to put together a set myself of my artwork. Any chance you could tell me who is manufacturing your cards for you?



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