Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Prize

And she's done!


  1. Another amazing piece! Thanks for putting the progression up, always a fun experience and suspense til the final!

  2. Amazing! Always love to see new work from you. ^_^

  3. GOOD LORD .. Its like Christmas for all of us.. thats soooo NICE! beautiful

  4. DAnng!!! that's amazing! Wish I could enter!

  5. Yes I'm very tempted to make a fake account and I kid!!


  6. haha^^^

    man, Ive had finals this week, otherwise Id make an attempt to win this... Beautiful--- and thanks for sharing your work in progress

  7. Hey, great blog!!! The Prize Fight looks awesome!!! Can't wait for the interview tonight!!!

  8. God damn... that probably the best pin up me ever saw... well maybe your Chun-Li pinup was the best...

    Too bad I have no chance of winning the contest; strangely the most disturbing and not sexy pinup got most votes, and there where several good works that didn’t get any votes... it will be very interesting to see your cause of the winner. Who ever he is he is very lucky to get your illustration.

  9. Bill, this is really great. It's up there with the military charity piece you did as my favorite. Congrats, it looks like it's a big hit!

  10. you usually do a smaller colour study where you test colours and stuff are you going to post that as well, if you did one?

  11. Nice ! (I like the towel in the right place :))

  12. Very impressive! I love your designs and the way you render each painting. Inspiring as usual.

  13. I'm gonna cry! I was kicked out of the top 3... I hoped to be at least third, this is SO amazing

  14. Hey Bill, it was awesome hearing about your story and your opinions on the industry. Great show! and thanks for the shout out!

  15. chromasketch,
    They're great drawings, you deserve the attention.

    You're entry was great too, also one of my favorites.

  16. Bill,


    I was wondering, do you think you will do any more contests where you offer your work up as a prize? Or would you care to trade up, on a piece of artwork? I'd still be very interested in getting a original piece of artwork from you.

  17. Hi Mr. Bill Presing I dont know if Mr. Chui may have told you or not but because of my own fault and long story which in the end, ends up being my fault too, I was about an hour late for your deadline to enter your contest for an opportunity at the GRAND PRIZE you did. Being you are a great influence to my work as far as simplicity, Im in line with Chromasketch in knowing if there is a way to trade receive or buy one of your originals.

    P.S I just recently started a blog so if you have a second or two of your time you can check out the pin up that didnt make it.

  18. Quick note Beautiful peace lucky man who received this one

    thanks Mr. Bill Presing for keeping us inspired!

  19. Hi Bill, i didn't win the prize but i was mentioned by you at the end of the interview. This is the best thing i could wish for! I am a big fan of your work.
    Thank you very much!

    Daniel Hodge.

  20. woa okay I love this :P, great pose , really lovely drawingg.

    Im really impressed with your stuff, it has such a nice feel to it. great work

  21. That's a fantastic illustration. I love the whole thing, but what really sells it for me is that bent leg - the lines are perfect.

  22. Man, I missed out on this one! I would have loved to take a swing at winning this fantastic piece. It's new years eve today and I just watched this Chuistream interview. Great job Bill! Let's become friends in 2010, kay? I love your stuff and have a man crush.

  23. Beautiful piece! Great storytelling, wonderful composition and fun as all get out!

  24. I should watch boxing more often...

  25. Hi Bill, I heard about the contest and entered on a whim, but I'm most grateful that it led me to discovering your work which I think is amazing.

    I wrote a short post about what I like about your work here:

    And I did a second pin up, post contest, because I was inspired by clicking through your blog. You can see it here:

  26. Glen,
    Thanks for the post on your blog. You are a kind man.
    Great Birdgirl too. And Funny.


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