Tuesday, December 2, 2008


...out that is.
That unavoidable day has finally come, the day in every book's life when they've all found a home. Today is that day for Belle du Jour. I'm a little sad they're gone, but happy that they're being cared for by so many of you. I'll not be the worrisome parent, I know they're in good hands.
Goodbye Belle du Jour. I'll miss you.

If you want one, it may not be too late!
I may be sold out but there are a few retailers that should still have a supply of them. Stuart Ng Books, Brand Studio Press, Gosh! in London and probably also the Labyrinth in Toronto.

There are still plenty of copies of Bookplate Betties available. The limited edition however is nearly depleted (only 2 copies left as of this writing)

UPDATE: DEC 10, 2008
The limited Edition of Bookplate Betties is now also sold out.


  1. Gosh! in London had a few copies left at the weekend for interested Londoners

  2. I'm glad I got mine when I did! :) This wonderful little book is a source of delight and inspiration.

  3. Beautiful drawings!!
    I see you this year in Angouleme and I discovered your work, it's seem me amazing...it's a lot a lot good.

    Sorry for my bad english!
    I was a bad english pupil!


    See you!

  4. REPRINT! I know you want to tweek the design and do a new cover anyway ;)

  5. Congrats! Well, I'm a proud adoptive parent and it's def well cared for in my abode!

  6. I already own my copy! Luckily! :)

  7. I'm proud to say that I too am a lucky caretaker of this book. Don't worry Bill, I'm taking great care of it, loving it as if it were my own: bathing it, feeding it, reading to it and tucking it in every night...

  8. Congrats Bill! You have made quite a few people very happy with such a beautiful book!

  9. Salam (hi).
    great and wonderful.
    keep it up.
    Ya Ali (bye).

  10. congratulations!!

    i'm still showing mine the love and devotion that i did the first day i had it :) continuing inspiration

  11. "Gosh! in London had a few copies left at the weekend for interested Londoners"

    Thank you Roland, whoever you may be.

    Yes, we do indeed have plenty of copies left for any and all interested Londoners and non-Londoners.

    You can contact us here:

  12. Oh, and we also stock 'Bookplate Betties'!

  13. Thanks everybody for taking care of my babies. They're like... well, my children.

    Don't think that I haven't thought about it. A new cover would be nifty.

    Will and Roland,
    Thanks for the Gosh! heads up. I've updated the post to include it.

  14. I feel very lucky I have mine. I really take care of it and pull it out for inspiration. I don't know where I'd be with out it! Can't wait for Book 3. ;)

  15. Congratulations Bill!! I'm so glad that I have a copy!

  16. Don't know if you read this because I'm posting late but...besides the obvious tools you use, is there a speciall kind of pencil you use? Water colors?, prefered brush sizes? How do you apply the shadows? Type of markers.?I know it's a lot. Thanks for these very beautiful posts!

  17. Javier,
    I've been getting a lot of technique requests lately so I'll be making a more in depth post soon with a progression and lots of details on my materials and method.
    Probably not till January though.

  18. Passing through London on business this week I made a quick stop @ GOSH! & managed to pick up BOOK PLATE PLATES and BELLE DU JOUR-just in time for Xmas. Gorgeous books-smaller than I had imagined, but perfectly formed.
    There are still a few copies left downstairs for those in the London area.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. As of 17th January, GOSH! in London have 8 copies of 'BELLE DU JOUR" left so you'd better be quick!

    We still have plenty of "BOOKPLATE BETTIES" though.


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