Friday, September 5, 2008

Under the Wire

I just managed to finish these two color sketches for the Totoro Forest Project "Forest Hero" tickets. Just in time too, the auction is tomorrow. For those who don't know the highest level or "Hero" level tickets sold for the auction get a copy of the book of the show as well as an original piece of art. Here are some other great examples by Dice Tsutsumi, Ronnie Del Carmen, Enrico Casarosa and Scott Morse.


  1. Wow. It's times like this that make me wish I lived on the left coast.

  2. These two are really beautiful, Bill. Well done!

  3. Beautiful!What type of paint do you use?

  4. Nice glow effect! You really have a handle on what I'm guessing is watercolor. No small feat.

  5. Wow Bill ! These are fantastic. I think they're very close to be my favorite so far.

  6. Sorry, that was me, Bannister. :-)

  7. Beautiful work as always, Bill! They remind me of the Nutcracker sequence from Fantasia.

  8. Yow! Your Totoro pieces are stellar, Bill. Beautiful work.

  9. They're SO pretty! I wish I saw the originals :( whoever got these must be supper happy! And seeing your peeping Totoro piece in person was awesome (ah, those smooth gradations!)

  10. Strong work for sure! Excellent control over the medium.
    I wish I could have made it to that show...

  11. Wow! That's amazing! Those are so beautiful and the tones and color are so great!

  12. this is a beautiful piece, it reminds me of fantasia,

  13. Hey Bill great work and it was a mad awesome honor to have lunch with you on Monday! I we'll do it again soon!

    -Brandon Robinson/SRS

  14. Those are beautiful sketches my friend! I heard that the auction went really well. What a great event. Hey, I have a quick question for you about your Rex Steele book... so to not give your email out, could you shoot me an email and I'll get back to you?
    Thanks man... appreciate it!

  15. it's beautiful... the fairy is very sweet^^

  16. Your work always has a true to life feel.A great sense of motion in these pieces. You are an amazing artist!


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