Sunday, September 14, 2008

Penny Farthing

I've been working on a sequel to my Le Frou Frou piece lately as a wedding gift for some good friends.

Here are most of my early sketches, my first impressions on the idea.

Here on the right is my final sketch, on the left is the final tight figure drawing.

This is the final comp with all the elements. As well as a shading study.

I've actually finished the piece already but didn't want to post it until the gift was given.
I'll post the finish soon.


  1. Nice drawings, Bill! It's fun to see your process. Can't wait to see the final color.

  2. Wow, thanks for posting this, its always interesting seeing another artist's process.

    Your early sketches look very clean, awesome job!

  3. Thank you for sharing your work process. Your talent never ceases to amaze me!!!

  4. Really nice composition on this, and of course you always do such great figures.

  5. i Love it!!!such great design, I can't wait to see the final...and get a print of it :)

    your sketches are fantastic!

  6. wow! that's gonna be one happy couple. beautiful!

  7. Wow, that finished study is unreal! Can't wait to see it colored!!!

  8. It's interesting to discover the process and the résult is just "magnifique" :)

  9. Thanks for sharing process pics. I can't wait for the final piece.

  10. I always love the props and costumes that you give your characters. So pretty!

  11. Really beautiful drawing. I'm looking forward to see this in color.

  12. Oh, Mr. Presing! I HATE you!*struggles to get envy under control*--LUV!
    : )

    But seriously: I sure do love seeing your work in all its forms! Thanks for sharing it.


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