Sunday, August 3, 2008

The shop is open!

Or re-open I should say, to include my new book "Bookplate Betties".
So Belle du Jour, Bookplate Betties as well as the limited edition of Bookplate Betties are all available for purchase here on the blog. You'll find the "add to cart" buttons to the right. Purchases are PayPal only.

I've revamped the shop to make international shipping rate application easier. The shop seems fully functional but if you have any troubles or find a bug let me know.


  1. Hey Bill just waiting for the pay check man.I'll email you about lunch soon.


  2. It's a good day start ! I've just ordered a "Bookplate Betties" copy :)

  3. Sweet! I was hoping to snag one of the bookplate editions. Sweet!

  4. I saw the mock-up of 'Betties' you brought with you to Arludik; really looking forward to the bookplated version.
    ...bookplate for a book of bookplates...

  5. Bill,

    Any chance of adding any of the SDCC prints to your shop or did they sell out?

    Cheers, Brian.

    P.S. Already enjoying my copy of Bookplate Betties.

  6. I couldn't attend comic con this year but a friend of mind did and i got me your book! Thank you for signing it and keep up the amazing work you do... Keep bringing the inspiration! Thanks again, Javier

  7. Hey Bill,
    It was really great to see your stuff at SDCC. It's always a please to check out such nice painting.

    Joe y Elio

  8. Fantastic! I just purchased one of the special editions. Thanks for posting your progress. It makes getting the final product that much sweeter! ~Cheers~

  9. Really a fantastic book. Your brushwork is freaking sweet!

  10. Hello Bill!

    I am looking forward to this book! Unfortunately I did not update my paypal address when I I sent you an e-mail to your dailyperilorders address to see if you could make the address switch. Sorry for the trouble :(

    Loved the last book!

  11. Just received my copy :) It's a beautifull object and your girls are so gorgeous and inspiring !
    Thank you for the nice dedicace ;)

  12. Hi, Bill. Received my copy of Betties today and it's beautiful. Thanks a lot for sharing your incredible art.

  13. I've just received books a friend got me from SDCC. I need to sit down with them all, but I can already say that BB looks absolutely gorgeous! And it has bookplate! And it's signed! :) Thanks! (Looking forward to Paris and Arludik next week...)

  14. Just got the book in, so awesome!!!


  15. Hello Mr. Pressing,

    Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but I was wondering if you still have a couple of copies of your Book Plate Betties with numbered and signed plates? I'm particularly interested in numbered plates 7, 23 or 77 (if I'm lucky enough to find you still have one of those).

    Thank you in advance for your time :)

    - Javier R.

    P.S. I saw your originals in the Arludik gallery and they're simply beautiful; I wasn't acquainted to your work until that moment ^-^

  16. I'm glad you all like to book, I'm very proud of it.

    I'm afraid I don't have any special editions with the numbers you requested anymore. I think the numbers that are remaining range some where in the late 20's to 30's.

    I don't plan on selling prints through the blog shop. But if you're in the LA area House of Secrets has a small supply of them.

  17. Thank you very much for your response, Mr. Pressing :)

  18. Just got my copy in the mail!
    SO awesome!

    Great job, Bill!

  19. Hi there,
    ordered my copy of Bookplate Betties on March the 4th, please let me know if you got my order, paid with Paypal
    ID 4RJ451792C4256045



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