Friday, August 1, 2008


Con was quite the blast. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the table, I met a lot of really great people this year.

Here's a couple of the commissions I did during the convention.

Panda from Jason Pearson's Body Bags:

A Greta naturally:

And this is actually a little painting demo I did for my fiancée shortly after con:

I'm hoping to get the Bookplate Betties book set up on the shop soon, so hang in there it won't be long.


  1. Everyone's a winner, baby! [Hmmm... that should be a song title!]

  2. Yeah that first one is deadly! I'm also very much enjoying the Bookplate Betties book, Bill. It is fantastic!

  3. Hey Bill,

    Any chance you could share a few tips tricks on water colors with us?


  4. Absolutely gorgeous.

    Looking forward to ordering 'Bookplate Betties'!

  5. that demo piece is killer. I can just see how you doing a demo would go...Step one, do a really good drawing. Step two, paint it very nicely...done!

  6. Hey Bill- you are a fountain of cheesecake fortitude!

  7. Hey Bill! It was wonderful getting to meet you down at the con and getting a copy of the Bookplate Betties book- it's so lovely and inspiring! : D I agree with intergalactic's suggestion on sharing any watercolor secrets- I loved studying the interstitial pages w/ the roughs and in-progress pieces in the Bookplate book... again, it was great to meet you and take care!

  8. This is some awesome work. I really like your Totoro piece. Very inspiring.

  9. Wow, man! Awsome! Great work. I specially like the third picture (the girl in the red bikini).

    I recently bought a book of Rex Steele and I liked your style a lot. I'll come around more often.


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