Thursday, November 22, 2007

Experiment Gone Awry

Well not actually "awry", I just feel this need for some kind of adventure element in my post titles. Anyway, an experiment none the less! It's around that time of year that I must set into motion the production of a new book (if I'm going to have anything for Comic Con next year that is). These are just me playing around with a few different looks that may eventually lead to my approach for the cover. Whatever that may be.

Happy Turkey Day!


  1. You definitley have a knack for appealing shapes! Sweet drawings, Bill!

  2. You do have a way with the ladies.

  3. I really like the nice 2 tone version. Dig the simplicity!

  4. Simply divine. I'm glad it was you who invented girls, Bill.

  5. My favorite goes to the first one as well!

  6. Yeah, the top one is the tops. Great gestures, but I guess that goes without saying on this blog.

  7. I admire your ability to think so far ahead! Like that first one, and i want to put in my vote for you to do a book full of those color plates your did for the Belle du Jour limited editions!

  8. Using negative space is always king! The top wins!

  9. Loving the top one Bill! Cannot wait for the new book.

  10. I'll have to throw my two cents in with most everyone else, and vote for the first one. The experiment was a total success. Always love your work Bill.

  11. Great stuff. I'm liking the first one.

  12. Wow I really digg your chicks! I think im gna tattoo one of them soon!! if you dont mind?\

    Great As always

  13. Hey Bill!

    I'm a new fan of yours as I've just recently picked up a copy of your book Belle Du Jour, one for myself and another for one of my closest friends as a Christmas gift. Well, he opened it a little early this year and he really loves it! It's always inspiring when I sit down to look through your book myself and I've also seen your animated project "Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher"! Wow, now that really got me inspired too! I'm really looking forward to your future projects Bill! Can't wait! :)

  14. Very very good!!!!


  15. Thanks for the advice everybody. I agree, I prefer the top as well.

    Mike Dooney hit it right on the nose actually, this book will be a collection of the color bookplates I did.

    Puga Vida, I don't mind at all if you get a tatoo of my art. I would be curious to see how it comes out.


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