Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Dangerous Mission - Chapter 3

Overdue update: Purr-casso Art Sale.
A success, $11,000 raised! 100% of this goes to the animals in the Berkeley Animal shelter and for their care. Apparently there are still a few pieces left, which they're still selling after the day of the event. So if there was anything you missed out on, you might want to contact the Berkeley Humane Society.
Just my luck I forgot my camera that day, fortunately Bill Robinson allowed me use of some of his pics. Thanks Bill!

It was a great show, more low key than others I've attended but many great pieces none the less. Lastly I'd like to thank Ikumi Moriya for getting me involved in the show in the first place, she's really done a lot for the shelter, and for me.


  1. Hi There Daily, Nice Gallery you have!! :) Woow and this place you were Its look so interesant and amazing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whaa?! $11,000?! That's amazing!

    Thanks so much for posting the pictures, Bill!

  4. Wow!! This is awesome!

    The art is such a powerful thing. I'm so glad I was a part of this show and could be a help for a lot of animals :)

    Thank you very much for all information and posts, Bill and Ikumi!

  5. So glad that y'all could help in that way.


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