Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Day With the Press.

Hey everybody,
I did a couple interviews recently that are now online.

One for the character design blog, which is pretty in depth. You can find it HERE. There is a bunch of my art there that I've never posted before as well, check it out.

The other interview was for a small article about the Purr-casso show. Click HERE for that. The show has grown quite large, over 250 pieces so far. Thats really amazing. I want to thank Bill Robinson, Dan Helle, Maki Fujimoto and anybody else who donated art that I might not know about. And thank you all for spreading the word too, you guys helped turn this into something special.


  1. Sweet, 250 PIECES...WOW!!! The show has no choice but to be a success with those numbers. Thanks for the info Bill, those interviews were rad.

  2. It's great to see so many people support the animal shelter.
    I'd like to join the next one.

  3. 250 pieces?! That's great! And I wanted to say thanks for sharing this event - I wouldn't have had the oppertunity to submit something if I didn't hear through your blog :)

  4. I agree with Dave there. I wouldn't have known about this if it weren't for your blog. I thought submissions were closed, but apparently they were open until today and so I rushed home from school and back to Berkeley to hand some stuff in that I did a while back! Couldn't mount them, though.

    See you all on Sunday I hope. =)

  5. The character design interview was really cool. Thanks for posting that.

  6. It's nice to see wonderful artists with a good heart as well. I enjoyed reading your interview Bill.


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