Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Dangerous Mission - Chapter 2

Awhile ago I posted about the Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society art sale. They're having the art sale to raise funds for their animal shelter. This is the piece that I'm donating. It's gonna be hard to part with it, I've grown a little attached.

It (and many other fine pieces) will be for sale at the 2nd Annual "Purr-casso" Art Sale and Gala, and will take place on NOVEMBER 4TH at The Hollis Street Project - Grand Hallway 5900 Hollis Street, Emeryville CA
For more information click HERE or call (510) 845-7735, ext.13.
All proceeds from the event will benefit the Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society.


  1. Gee, that's adorable. The cat's mannerisms seems particularly lifelike to me.

  2. Beautifull and so sweet images, I can imagine how hard it must be to let them go.

  3. Bill, I saw your post on here a while ago and decided to join can see the pieces I'm donating over at my blog. The one you made is great! Can't wait to see them all.

  4. Beautiful work Bill and for such a great cause. We have a rescue kitty ourselves, Trudy, a tuxedo cat with a very sweet dispostion who loves to be petted and have her tummy rubbed.

  5. Fantastic stuff Bill, I can see how you got attached. I did a piece for the show too(found out from your site) and was so inspired that I held my own fundraiser art show for the local SPCA here in the city I'm living. It was a huge success and I am very happy with the results.

    Again great stuff, I wish I could be there for the show. You can check my piece on the ol' blog.

  6. Man, that piece's simplicity is amazing. Perfect!

  7. beauties! I really love the way you lay in your colors and don't over work them...sooooo, nice.

  8. Beautiful and adorable!!
    Your art will make so many kittens and people for sure :)

  9. Love the cats! Great stuff as usual Bill!

  10. I -WANT- that piece so much! I wish I could go over to the Humane Society on the 4th, but that's the same day as the sketchcrawl...

    Ah hell, I'll go anyway! This is a great cause!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. That's a really cute and fun illustration, sir!

    I like and embrace the fact about donating artworks for such causes. I'd really like to take part in these sort of events, if you could fill me out on anything to come, lemme know in my blog if you'd like. :-)

    I don't see why I wouldn't be able to make it down there on Nov. 4, it's like a 20-30 min drive. Hopefully my copy of Belle du Jour will have arrived by then!

  13. Great piece. I wonder if they'll let people order by phone...

  14. Dang I love cats - pretty girls too - this one's wonderful

  15. I keep coming back to admire this! I just love it!

  16. I just read your interview on the Character Design Blog and it was great. Your art is amazing and full of life. Thanks for the inspiration. I'll be back often.

  17. Yo Bill, you gave me a bad email address. Why?!

  18. Bill these areso heart-warming! That cat is so sweet, great cause!

  19. your girls are so cute and charming. Keep it up!

  20. This has got to be one of the cutest thing I've ever seen.


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