Monday, July 23, 2007


Sorry for the mega post but this is the last chance I'll get till after Con.
So I will be selling my new book "Belle Du Jour" at booth 4800 at the San Diego Comicon from July 25th (preview night) to July 29th. I'll be sharing the booth with my good friends Scott Morse and Jeff Pidgeon.

The book itself measures 8 1/2" x 7" and is 96 pages, full color throughout. Hardcover. It will sell for $25.

I'm also offering a special limited edition that will contain an original piece of artwork attached to the inside front cover as a bookplate (The artwork can be removed without damaging the book or the art with a small amount of effort).
The attached bookplate will look something like this (only signed and numbered)

The special limited edition will sell for $60. The original art book plates will be numbered to 100 (of which I will have 70 with me) Here's the full selection of what will be available.

I'll have a catalog at the table showing all of the available bookplates to choose from. So that you can pick whichever one you like (on a first come first served basis that is).
And lastly, I'll also have the Rex Steele book ($10) and short film dvd ($15) available. Supplies are dwindling however.

Hope to see you in San Diego.


  1. I'm stuck in Brooklyn and can't be at the con. I'm sure everyone else is asking but can I mail order a copy of your book or somesuch? The bookplates are gorgeous of course. You the man!

  2. Everything looks awesome! I definitely will be stopping by.

  3. Sooo impressive, Bill. I am still in awe of how many book plates you produced! I bet you'll do super well at the con! Have fun!

  4. Hey Bill,
    After the con I plan on setting up a shop here on the blog and will be taking mail orders. So hang in there.

  5. Great job, I like your book plates, I love them all!
    Since I'm living in Spain it will be hard to get one of your special numbers with an original artwork
    but anyway I will try to get one of the normal books.
    Congrats for your amazing work and good luck in the comic con.

  6. Hi again!

    thanks for you kind explanation in the previous post, Bill.

    I, just like santy gutiƩrrez- live in Spain, so it will be impossible to get one of those fantastic pieces of art. Anyway, I'll try to get one of the books, too, and of course I'll continue to visit your blog to see your lovely work.

    Best regards and best of lucks at the con!

  7. Dang Bill!!! Didn't know you were up in here blogging? Long time no hear man. I run into Robert and Matt all the time...that new book you're dropping looks super sweet - congrats and mucho success buddy.

  8. I have my $60 ready and waiting for your return from SDCC.

  9. AWESOME! Can't wait to pick that book up!

  10. Those bookplates are fantastic, I hope there will be left after the con for your online shop, though I don't think so :(

  11. Wish...I was Comic Con...


  12. How can i get your book Bill?
    I'm from Holland.
    ( )

  13. Wow, It really looks great! Good luck at the Con!

  14. I have two friends that want the limited edition books with the art plates, but cannot be in attendance so they've asked me to purchase them on their behalf. Will I be able to purchase them both or are you limiting them to one person at a time?

  15. Bill, this is gorgeous! I really, really would love to get a sketchbook with a bookplate. Can you please email me and let me know if I can order by mail?



  16. Keep us posted when you get back... Ill be ordering since I'm in Seattle this year.

  17. Hey Bill. just picked up your book from Matt peters over here at world Leaders, amazing book very inspiring.

  18. Looks amazing, Bill! Can't wait to get my hands on one.... via on-line order (*SIGH*)

  19. Wow, I didn't think there was a reason to go to the con this year, but I was obviously wrong!! I envy the lucky jerks who will be there to get a book plate!

  20. WOW!!! I can't wait to be able to order one of these books!! Like others have mentioned, I hope some are left.

  21. Bill, I just bought your book, and I love it! Awesome work throughout....really inspiring stuff.:)

  22. twas great seeing you at comic con. bought all the goods, and they are all amazing and such a great inspiration! thanks again

  23. love those book plates! Did you sell out at the con? That image of all the plates together would make a great poster!

  24. Hey Bill,

    Great to see ya in SD! Don't know for sure but I'm guessing you must have sold out of your book? I'm glad I got my copy early!

  25. Hi Mike! Bill was sold out of the sketch edition the first few hours into the first official day of the con! I think at least half sold the 3 hours of Preview Night on Wednesday. I got one, thanks Bill!

  26. It was great to see you again this year. Fantastic stuff as always! I missed out on the limited edition (Lambey wanted one too...) even though it was only Thursday :) The plates look terrific if not exhausting! Amazing! Until next year - take care!


  27. Awesome book sir, definitly the best thing that I got in San Diego this year. Keep up the great work!

  28. Didn't get a chance to talk to you much at dthomp's bbq on Sunday, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your book! It was getting a lot of good buzz at the con! Great stuff!

  29. Great stuff! Those bookplates look awesome. Any left?


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