Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sudden Chaos!

As I said in one of my previous comments, I plan on selling a special edition of my book "Belle du Jour" that is going to include a bookplate with original art on it. I haven't figured out how many I'm going to make yet, though I'd like at least 100.
So I decided to "assembly line" them, do 10 at a time and use the same paint for each of that 10. This way I can get them done more quickly.
So to test this idea out I'm using my friends as guinea pigs (no offense). Instead of drawing in their books I'm doing the book plate thing for 'em.
Here's a few from the first batch.


  1. Holy crap, those are amazing. Awesome work.

  2. very nice of you to use ur friends as test But besides that these are great so far. How big are they in size? because I noticed in previous post you do a nice quick block in of shapes and colour.

  3. They are 5" x 6 1/2" each.
    Glad you like 'em.

  4. very beautiful! Love em all!

  5. Great blog Bill. glad to see you are posting.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. very elegant ^_^

  8. Wonderful little paintings Bill! Have you figured out how many limited edition books you're going to have?

  9. Very cool. Also cool are those books! Cant wait to check em out at the Con.

  10. dude, this looks great. Sign me up for one of em...Dice told me that its awesome and now I want a copy. Can't wait to see it.

  11. Wow, these look great!! You're pretty darn amazing, sir!

  12. I want one!! How do I get a book outside of the con?

  13. man, I sure wish I was one of your friends! Your girls have sooooo much life, fantastic.

  14. So how can a non-Con-attending person get one of these? Please please please!

  15. After the con I'm going to set up a shop here on the blog so that the books can be ordered online. I'll try to make it as convenient as I can.

  16. man these are awesome! ^ ^ love ur work

  17. Bill, save me a copy. I won't be able to make it to the States this year.


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