Thursday, May 31, 2007

Steel Nerves.

Since I'm on the subject of "Dead Man's Duel", I thought I'd post some of my preliminary designs for it. I typically do this after the thumbnailing but before the roughs.


  1. Holy CRAP! You FINALLY started a blog!!! Thanks so much Mr. Presing, not sure if you remember me, it's Randeep, I sat with you for a while as you did a sketch for me at the SDCC last's it going? Great to see that you've finally started a blog, hope all is well, if you have a spare minute, check my blog out, I'd love to hear what you think!
    WAHOO! I can't wait for more posts! This is GREAT!


  2. What a find!! Welcome to the blogoshpere!!

  3. These are fantastic! Those two on the first page have such weight and presence. Thanks for sharin!

  4. ^_^
    great discovery.
    fantastic style

  5. Hey Bill great blog, thanks for taking the time.

    Will you be in San Diego this year? I would love to catch up for an interview (if poss you can mail me on to arrange) for, it would be a pleasure! R

  6. Wow! Great stuff. I'm very much enjoying the blog.

  7. Hey Bill, welcome to the land of blogging! You came by our booth at Wondercon and showed us (Kei Acedera, Alberto Ruiz and I) your proofs from your book. Looks amazing. When's it coming out?

    Trade a link with me?

  8. Hi Bill, I picked up a copy of Afterworks 2 at APE this year and I loved your story. Really beautiful drawings in a sort of old-fashioned style that few can pull off. Can't wait to see more of your work, thanks for starting the blog. (You've already been added to my RSS reader, woohoo!)

  9. Bill! Blog!!! Bill Blog!!! Blog O Bill!!! WOOO!

    Now let's see some of the photo's you took of yourself as reference for that sexy girl. Eh? Eh?


  10. Dude, great designs. Rex is such a great character. Thanks for posting these!

  11. Thank you for starting a blog! I can't wait to see more!

  12. Holy crap those are awesome.

  13. Hi Bill.
    I'm a big fan of your art - I love your sense of style! I'm a collector of original art, and am not going to make it out to San Diego this year. I was wondering if you were interested in selling any of your work over the internet. If so, please drop me a line at Thanks!

  14. Phil:
    If you want a nekkid picture of Bill, I'll sell them to you for 50 bucks a pop.


  15. Hey Bill nice to meet you. Really nice stuff. I'll have to look for your comic !

  16. These are some neat characters!
    Awesome work man!

  17. Greatly enjoyed Rex Steele, Bill. Great blog! I'll be sure to vsiit often.

  18. Good stuff. I'm a fan. What did you ink those drawings with?

  19. Hwang,
    Those drawings were inked with a "Pentel Color Brush" (black #101) that I got at the kinokuniya pen shop in San Fran's Japan town. It's pretty awesome it has synthetic fibers like a real brush so it keeps a real sharp tip. The ink it uses dries a little slow and can be sticky before it dries completeley, thats really the only down side. I inked most of the "Dead Man's Duel" story with it too.

    Glad you liked the book. They're being printed this very moment, I'll have them safely in my hands in time for San Diego. I'll post more about it in the future.


  20. Wow!! Didn't realize that you'd started a Blog.. VERY cool!

    I also didn't realize that the whole 'Rex Steele' comic-book was ongoing.. I hadn't seen anything, since the TPB came out..

    The top drawing is really nice.. Has that vintage feel to it. And he looks very solid and formidable!

  21. Damn these are great!!! I am so glad you've started a blog!!
    I love the thumbnail to final progression down below! Very cool and educational!!

  22. Glee!! Welcome aboard Bill! You draw good!

  23. hot damn!!! S'bout time. Love your stuff Bill!

  24. Seriously, Bill. If you are going to go off and do an art blog you really ought to learn how to draw. I don't know how many of these half-assed art blogs I can take.

    /Sarcasm OFF/

    'Couse I'm jes' kidding. It's about time you put up a blog! I'm always in awe of your work.


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