Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dead Man's Duel.

I really enjoy seeing process, so I thought I'd show a little. This is a progression from thumbnail to final for a page from my latest Rex Steele story for Afterworks 2

Once I have a thumbnail I like, I'll enlarge it to letter size on a copy machine (or printer). Then I'll put it on a light box, pop another letter size sheet on top and tie down the drawings. I do this to maintain the proportions I worked out on the thumbnail.

Once I have a rough I'll enlarge that slightly (maybe 10%), put it back on the light box to ink. I usually ink on a large sketchbook paper (I need something thin enough to see through it), and with a brush, brush pen, and a Micron or something similar for the fine lines. Then the finished inks are scanned as bitmap line art.

Once all that is done, I'll spend too much time fretting over what colors to use, try alot of pallets that don't work, and eventually get to something I can live with.


  1. Bill has a blog!?! Good news!

  2. I have visited every single webpage on the internet, and all crumble in comparison to Bill Presing's blog. Everyone should visit it everyday. Tell your family, friends, and enemies. What's not to like about Bill? Besides his anger management issues, he's a comfortable human being who is non-offensive.

    Welcome to the inter-web, Bill.

  3. Thank you Josh, for your eloquence.

  4. Welcome Bill! I look forward to all the fine goodies you will be posting for us. The Rex roughs are awesome. More please!

  5. Hey Bill!

    Thanks for starting a blog and making the rest of us look bad. It's great to finally see your work online! Welcome! You have been linked!

  6. Fortunately, your staging proportions are great to begin with, so it makes sense to hang onto them!

    Awesome roughs - as always!

    Keep posting!

  7. well i must say...ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!! I can't get enough Presing I need more more MORE!!!!

    once a week or more is all i ask.

    its all great Bill.

    Mandrews out

  8. Woo-hoo! Bill has a blog AND he posted some delish Rex Steele? Well, MY day has been made!

  9. ooo thanks for showing the steps!! I'm working on thumbnails for a comic right now and need some tunbnail inspiration

  10. Man I love this Comic/story/Characters/THEWHOLESHEBANG! It's such a great idea, I'm glad to see more of it developing. Can't wait!


  11. Good to see you have a blog Bill. Great roughs, I always enjoy seeing process. The watercolour girls below are GREAT as well. Look forward to seeing more.

  12. the blogger artist community is a big family and i'm glad to see a new (awesome) son! welcome aboard.
    great first posts, i cant wait to see more.

  13. Wow and wow! My day just got better. Thanks for posting this. My copy of Rex is sitting right above my computer... one of my favorites! I remember when I first got the book I scoured the web to find more of your art. Now I won't need to go far. Glad you're here!


  14. great stuff - glad to see you started a blog!

  15. big fan of your work Bill. I remember your posts back on the drawing board and what an impression they left on the masses there. Hope you keep this site updated with the beautiful drawings you are known for.

  16. Fantastic Blog Bill. Thanks for sharing your page process. Amazing how much goes into each page from beginning to end.

  17. YAY!!! New Rex Steele! Where do I buy it?!

  18. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody, I'll try my best to post as often as I can.

    The new Rex Steele is in "Afterworks 2" you should be able to order it from most comic book stores. It's published by image. And I'm sure one of us will be selling at San Diego. I also did a 5 page Rex story in "Digital Webbing Presents" #29



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