Sunday, August 15, 2010

Intercontinental Cuties FOR SALE!!!

The card decks are finally available for purchase on the blog shop.
Come and get 'em!


Mathieu Reynès said...

Purchased ! :)

Elaine-Joy said...

YAY! ^^ *does a happy dance*

Kendra Melton said...

You guys did a great job! just bought a pack :]

Anonymous said...


Todd Pitts said...

Finally! The perfect anniversary present.

AchillesPDX said...

Would LOVE to have these... but $31 for a deck of cards is pretty steep. Is a large chunk of that just covering the costs of producing such a small batch?

bpresing said...

Yeah, pretty much. It's a specialty item made independently. If we printed 100,000 of these things maybe we could sell them at $5, but how to sell that many of anything I have no idea. Not without Walmart anyway.
The cards are oversized with a heavy duty box though. Much better quality than you'd see with something mass produced.

Nic said...

Bought these at comic con, but you weren't there to sign them! Josh suggested I mail them to you, haha.

Nice to see them online though! I'm still considering another set.... I was going to get two, but ran out of money back at SDCC.

ronskii said...

Bought my pack earlier, are you signing them? that would be awesome!!! If not how much to have you sign the box?

Jeff Zoet said...

Just bought them! Seems like I've been checking every other day since SDCC to see if they were for sale yet! Finally!

Richard said...

Purchased!! Yay. Thanks for putting these up for those of us who couldn't get to SDCC. I've been hanging out.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Purchased! two of those decks will flight to Spain in a near future :)

ronskii said...

just got mine in the mail. better than i expected, big cards. mexico is still my fav. haiti and romania r a little spooky lol. Love em. may get another set if they hang around very long. thanks

1000 Hells said...

YES! Thank you!

Gina Gress said...

I just bought mine at Gallery Nucleus and LOVE LOVE LOVE <3

Adam Knight said...

Mine just came in the mail today! Absolutely love them. They turned out great. They're really funny and so well done. I really like the packaging as well. Hats off to you and Josh.

Jason Chalker said...

Got mine in the mail today. They're huge! And awesome!

Margaret Alison said...

Got mine in the post today! Awwyeah :)

Stein said...

bought them, 40$ including shipping..
Whatever its totally worth it!

Peanuts said...

received cards today!!!
very happy, great quality art, product quality is great too.


Duck Dodgers said...

Sent the paymente two days ago. Can't wait to get them (ordered 2 copies)

JT said...

I took the plunge for these beauties. Let's hope the crapulous French mail service doesn't f*ck it all up. Love your work.

locuriatoons said...

hello!is bery goob your work.good bye!

Irmata said...

I got them! I got them! They are FANTASTIC and delightful and I really should have bought 2 so that I can have a backup for when I wear these ones out :D I can't possibly pick a favourite (India? Thailand? Greece??), but South Africa brought me unexpectedly to tears (my home country). The South Pole is a hoot and Bermuda Triangle made me laugh out loud for real.

Thank you so much for packaging the deck well enough to withstand the journey to the frozen North! As others have said, totally worth it.

Tim Blair said...

The cards turned out awesome! Well done the both of you. Will you and Josh be attending the CTN Expo this year?

Tom said...

I'm a friend of Sakura Moriya- she showed me these cards the other day. They are fantastic.

If I order packs of cards here, are they signed already?

Thanks, Tom

James said...

Hi there

Just bought some of your cards and accidentally have them being sent to my old address. what do i need to do to change address.

thanks and sorry for the inconvenience

you can contact me at
jimwil at gmail dot com

thePusher said...


You're my favourite SuperHero Mister Presing!


Thank you for sharing your art, it's just .... I mean.. It's just.. Oh my god, you're SUperCool!

Fernando Vicente said...

Hi Bill,
I'm Fernando Vicente, a spanish pin up illustrator. I love your work. I have a pin-up playing card too.
Would you like to make an exchange? You can see it in
Congratulation for your work,

Unknown said...

Im french and I need this cards. They are so beautiful! How can I have this one? Maybe is too late but I want really.

Indigo said...

is there still a way to purchase a set?

Unknown said...

Are these cards still available for purchase? Please let me know!
