Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Horoscope Honeys Part 2

I'm letting air the dirty laundry on this post. There are some stinky drawings in here. All part of the process I guess. The stinky part.
Anyway, now that I've figured out my pin-up concepts for each horoscope sign, it was time to start the character designs. In addition to finding lots of personality profiles there were also tons of information regarding the physical appearances associated with each sign. You can see in my notes below I went a little crazy with all that information, but I think it really helped me to come up with unique body types for each character.

To help solidify my design thoughts and to make sure everyone looked unique, I drew this line up. Interestingly I found some information that ranked the bust size according to sign so I let it inform my designs too. I set the line up the same way, with Aries being the largest and Libra being the smallest. I have no idea if it holds any bearing on reality but it makes it fun at least.


  1. this is a really solid post and very informative. Your process is very precise - thanks for sharing.

  2. Can't wait to see the final version.

  3. Omg Bill!!!! I'm so excited you're doing this!

    I'm a Scorpio myself, and I think your Scorpio girl is so adorable!

  4. Omygosh, is that why i'm short and plump? Cause I'm a pisces XD The things you learn from other artists online!

  5. I love seeing the process of the creation. Very cool.

  6. Thanks everybody!
    Kendall, it's nice to hear that my drawing is accurate for someone. I'm curious if it'll be for other people too :)

  7. wow this post is very interesting! both physical and personality traits you've listed for libras are pretty accurate for me at least.. just curious, where did you gather all your research?

    what a fun project! looking forward to the end results

  8. Awesome development! Thank for sharing.

  9. Not to gush but I'm envious of your simplicity of form. Is that from experience or is there more to it?

  10. Not to gush but I'm envious of your simplicity of form. Is that from experience or is there more to it?

  11. I m a scorpion but I do have dimples as librain?


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