Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I jumped at the chance to do this pin up a couple of years ago for the very awesome Katie Rice because I'm a big fan of her work. She and Luke Cormican do this hilarious/ridiculous web comic called Skadi. She's a barbarian girl on a quest to eat of every meat.
This pin up has finally seen the light of day in their new book compiling the first two years of Skadi web comics. It's premiering at APE this weekend in San Francisco. Look for it!


  1. that is so awesome that girl really kick ass

  2. awesome stuff, not to be a spoil sport.. but I think the black spots in the final piece are kind of pulling my attention away from skadi..

  3. Hey yeah, you're right. Doing the black was a bit of an experiment. I could have kept them flat but a lighter value, that might have looked pretty cool.

  4. I'd say the black looks pretty good.. as an element on its own. I'm sure you'll be able to implement it in your next piece. maybe throw it on the focal area?

  5. Luke was just showing me this the other day! AWESOME!!


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