Saturday, July 7, 2012

Banana Girls at Tr!ckster

Banana Girl Statues have arrived just in time for Tr!ckster 2012. Tr!ckster is the creator owned pop-up event near the San Diego convention center during comic con. These Banana Girl statues will be available for purchase there.

But first, my favorite part. The unboxing.

Also available at Tr!ckster will be my usual books and cards as well as these new signed art prints featuring the original Banana Girl piece.

I'll be attending Tr!ckster much of Friday and Saturday, but the statues will be available from day one. See you there!


  1. Woo, look forward to getting it from you at the show, see you there!

  2. I'm looking forward to receiving her by mail .. hopefully soon!

    Unfortunately, due to unforeseen work deadlines (client unexpectedly added a week to the project I'm currently on, for 'changes & fixes'), I can only attend SDCC/Tr!ckster on Sunday next week. -_-

    So, I'll miss seeing you there .. but I wish you well!!

  3. Awesome!
    You will always be my favorite. Started with cheesecake and so much more.

  4. When are you sending out the pre ordered ones?

  5. Hey Bill,
    I saw this awhile ago, and I wanted to let you know that it looks incredible! Great job as always!

  6. Hello! No76 from downunder, letting you know I've received mine and it's absolutely gorgeous : )

    Warm regards,



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