Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Angoulême 2012!

I'm back from Angoulême! Wow it was fun. Exhausting but fun.

I'm officially part of the Comix Buro sketchbook series!

At the booth.

Signing with Ned!

I can't believe how many dedications I drew.
Here's a few of them.

Thanks to Etienne, Olivier, Camille and the rest of the fine Comix Buro crew. I had a blast!


  1. Thanks for sharing, you´re great!!!

  2. AMAZING work Bill! I am sooooo jealous!

  3. Any news on the availability of any left overs yet Bill? (if there are any!).

  4. congrats Bill. I'd be soooooo tempted to grab one of each of those sketch books! I don't think I know the "Bellamy" artist.Your sketches are fantastic...so are there French Ebay signed sketchbook flippers too ;)

  5. Shane,
    Don't worry, there are plenty of leftovers. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have them for sale on my blog shop.

  6. Congratulations on being part of Comix Buro!!! :D

  7. It was great finally meeting you in person !

    And thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions and concerns about storyboarding - it was an inspiring conversation.

    Will you be there next year ?

  8. Awesome!
    So clean and beautiful work!
    (I hate you! Grrrr.... ;)

  9. Lovely work Bill, and I can't wait for them to become available in your shop.
    Out of curiosity, what's the brush pen you're using?

  10. Wow ! Bill Presing's sketchbook diplayed next to mine... I'm very honoured ! :)
    Welcome to the Buro, Mr Presing ! :)


  11. There are no words to describe how much I wish I could've been there! There's no way you're coming to Australia, so I'll just have to come to you when I have a steady job.

  12. hey Bill, glad to see you made it back safe and sound ! It's been a blast, like you said, see you very soon !

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thanks Bill! I'll keep my peepers peeled!!

  15. Hi! I was wondering if I missed my chance to purchase one of these Sketchbooks?

  16. Thank you again for taking time to sign my Sketchtravel ! It was a very nice moment.
    I hope you enjoyed Angoulême and France :)


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