Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Valentine's Day at Wonder-Con

I'll be attending Wondercon at the Moscone Center in San Francisco April 1st to 3rd. You can find me at the Imaginism Studios table (AA86-87) with my good friends Kei Acedera and Bobby Chiu.
I'll be displaying this beautiful prototype of the Valentine Candy Girl statuette sculpted by Michael Defeo. Michael also hand painted this 3D print out of his Z-brush file. Check out this nifty video he made on his painting process for the piece on his blog.

Photos are by my good pal Juan Hernandez.
Thanks Juan!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. That looks excellent, Bill. Your designs work really well with an extra dimension. Mike did an excellent job!

  4. just the prototype? So they'll be available for sale at say Comic Con?

  5. Next Comic Con, perhaps if we're lucky. This Comic Con. No Way.

  6. you should make more statues of your pinups, this one looks so awesome

  7. Wow! Turned out great! I wish I could make it to Wonder-con!

  8. Awesome job! Now I want to eat it XD

  9. She is very lovely. How flattering!

  10. Aw, she's adorable! Defeo did a wonderful job. Great collab

  11. Oh, I love her! This is great :)

  12. Bill, I think this work is on a masterful level and I can only hope one day to implement this knowledge at will. Has to feel liberating to give any opinion at will. Any how if one had a thesis for a film who would he go to to talk. I think the idea is suited perfectly for this time, Thanks Cory Lewis.
    corylew22@msn.com God I hope you don't think I'm crazy!!!!!!!

  13. This is all kinds of awesome! Bravo!

  14. Shoot! Totally missed you at the Con-too many people!

  15. Awwwww, you were at Wondercon!? Must have missed you....And holy wow, that's beautifully sculpted!

  16. thats fantastic! I was wondering how it would translate. Looks great! need to see more!

  17. Beautiful character, I am currently studying 3d modeling myself and I'm looking at becoming a character modeler, would it be alright for me to take the concept work on you're blog and use it to recreate the valentine model for my own demo Reel? one of my fellow students wants to rig and animate her aswell if you say yes.


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