Monday, November 8, 2010

Sky Doll

This Saturday begins a tribute to Sky Doll exhibition at La Galerie Nana in Paris France. Sky Doll co-creator Barbara Canepa asked me to contribute a piece to which I was more than happy to oblige. I wish I could go, looks like there'll be some awesome work for sale.


  1. Love the girl and perspective. Gorgeous! :)

  2. You sure do get asked to join in on a lot of cool stuff...must resist urge to hate you....urk, it is strong, but I can manage.
    Oh yeah nice art.

  3. i was wondering when you'l draw that
    awesome like always

  4. I saw a couple of the pieces for the show at the Montreal Comic Con and join you in your wish to see the whole show.

    Maybe someday . . .

  5. So niiice !!
    Really awesome piece ! I'll try to see it "in real" at the exhibition...


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