Monday, October 11, 2010

APE 2010

The Alternative Press Expo is this weekend and I will be there with Josh Cooley selling our card decks and related prints. We'll be in Scott Morse's Red Window area, so somewhere around table 330.

See you there!


  1. Woo!

    I'll be at Table 703. It'll be awesome to see ya bill. I hope all is well.

  2. Wish I could make it this year, next time maybe.

    International cutie cards arrived for me today: LOVE them. Though My korean friends won't be too happy that they didn't make it in: especially since ATLANTIS and the spacestation made it in :) ...

  3. That's great news. See you there!

  4. I SOOOO wish I could go!!! Well I hope you have fun and make tons of cash with your awesome International Cuties decks.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great meeting you at APE. Sorry for cutting you off at Brittney's table. I owe you a print, or at least a sketch. Maybe we'll run into each other again. Cheers!

  7. Great meeting you too Eli.
    No apology necessary.

  8. ooooh .. "and related prints" ..

    .. does this mean you've done watercolor treatments of selected card art?


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