Sunday, September 5, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different

I know what you're thinking. What's gotten into Bill? Where are all the babes? Right??
Well no need to worry, the usual bevy of cute females will return. But first, I must explain myself.
During my wife's youth in Japan, she and many young Japanese girls her age were obsessed with a boy band by the name of Hikaru Genji.

These are they.

And it was her birthday surprise, so there you go. I don't normally draw Japanese boy bands, but I have to admit it was a fun change of pace.


  1. Cute! I think its awesome that you really captured each individual.

  2. Here you go honey, a link to their video. I even went to this concert in 1994!!!

    I am so eternally grateful for my birthday present! Your caricature is dead on!!! You even put my favorite guy ( in green) in the center! Hooray!

    Now for christmas, I'm already requesting ARASHI or MIURA HARUMA

  3. What have I gotten myself into I wonder.

  4. PFFFFTTTT HAHAHAHA! I didn't know you did these for Iku! My God, pink headband guy is the best. Think you can do a pass on good ol' NKOTB, circa their 'Hangin' Tough' era? XD

    See you this weekend ;)

  5. Seven of them? Wow that's almost a marching boy band.

  6. hi bill ...^^ this piece is GREAT!! did u draw n paint them in watercolor or digitally??

  7. hahahahaha a boyband on roller skates that's something!


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