Monday, April 12, 2010

Dan DeCarlo’s Jetta

I'm a huge Dan DeCarlo fan and if you know his work you can see why. One of my favorite DeCarlo characters is that "high school sweetheart of the future", Jetta. Who is Jetta you ask? Well you're about to find out. A mountain of gratitude goes to Craig Yoe for compiling, for the very first time, the entire Jetta comic book run in one retro futuristic edition.
And I got to be a part of it! In Pin-up form that is.
Here's my contribution to the book:

And the study (not in the book, I don't think)

The book has a ton of other awesome Pin-ups, like these for instance:

Craig McCracken, Jenny Lerew, Justin Ridge, and Katie Rice respectively (Katie's is genius btw).

The full list of pin ups:

Alan Gutierrez
Andrew Pepoy 
Becky Dreistadt
Ben Tan
Bill Morrison
Bill Presing
Brandon Ragnar
Colleen Coover
Clizia Gussoni
Craig McCracken 
Craig Yoe
Danny Hellman 
David Reddick 
Dominic Marco 
Fabrizio Pasini 
Jay Stephens 
Jenny Lerew 
Joakim Gunnarsson 
Hedvig Häggman-Sund 
Justin Ridge 
Kali Fontecchio 
Katie Rice 
Leslie Cabarga 
Luke McDonnell 
Mark Frauenfelder 
Mike Maihack 
Molly Crabapple
Paul Guinan 
Robert Ullman 
Ryan Hungerford 
Scott Tolleson 
Stephanie Gladden 
Stephen Silver 
The Savanella Sisters 
Tracy Mark Lee

The book will be released to comic shops Wednesday, April 14th, and to regular bookstores shortly thereafter. Or you can always order it on Amazon. Here's what the cover looks like, so keep your eye out for it.


  1. it's great seeing something new

  2. Wow, what am amazing project to be apart of. And with a killer pin-up to boot! Love the silhouettes!

  3. I love the jilted lover in the background. Adds a nice little touch to the piece. I might have to pick this up.

  4. Fantastic job Bill. I'm a big DeCarlo fan so I'm jealous that you got to be in the book. I'm looking forward to seeing how the book came out. The version that came out a few years back had pretty bad reproduction.

  5. Hahaha! Tilt! And what a funny concept! Amazing work as always, great stuff!

  6. Yours is absolutely brilliant!! I love the softness of your colours ^_^

  7. I love your pin up, it's so cute!! I love it when you post your studies too- they're really interesting.

    I can't wait to get this book!

  8. This is awesome Bill! The colors are so vibrant!

  9. I love the final and the study! Studies are so interesting!

  10. This book looks great. Your piece does as well!

  11. love the concept! You're drawings always have so much character.

  12. I have a JETTA trade paperback which was published a few years back .. but this definitely looks worth an 'upgrade'.. ^_^

  13. Gorgeous! When do I get to gladly plop down my cash for a brand new book filled with your drawings and paintings?

  14. I was interested in some orignal artwork. Could you shoot me an email. Cheers.


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