Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wing Walkers

My cartoon airplane drawing hero Jean Barbaud is putting together a new book about sharkmouth airplanes. I was so honored that he asked me to contribute a sketch, my enthusiasm soon brought it to a full finish.

Thanks for the opportunity Jean!

I find airplanes particularly difficult to draw. I'm always amazed by the ease Jean draws them with, and especially his ability to caricature them. If you've never seen his stuff definitely check out his blog.


  1. Man, that is one a beautful drawing. I love the tense faces of the girl and the whole feeling of movement. I never thought you'd find airplanes difficult to draw, you did a pretty good job in that one Rex Steele story!

  2. The perspective on the plane and the girls are just awesome.

  3. great job Bill. I love the brushy inks on the girls. what do you use for inking these days by the way? sure looks like brush to me.
    I had only just discovered Jean's art recently, man, he puts so much life into his machines, lots to learn there.

  4. Thanks de aap,
    I'm happy with the planes I draw in general, it's just a bit more of a struggle than say, girls.

    I ink with a Pentel pocket brush pen which is basically a real brush with an ink cartridge on it. It's great, no dipping required.

  5. Wow this is great! And thanks for turning me on to Jean. You're right his planes are amazing I love that WWII stuff.

  6. Dude, this is easily my favorite Presing drawing so far. Sooo good!

  7. This is SOOOO good Bill!! I just LOVE it.

  8. Hey Bill Pressing,

    All your work is fantastic.. i recently got your bookplate betties in the mail and loved it.. i have a question and if you don't mind answering i ould love to know.. where did you get these books printed.. i am an artist also and would love to do something like this....

  9. Thanks Matthew,
    The printer I used is called Global PSD.

  10. Wow, your stuff looks great!!! I recently got a hold of your Belle Du Jour book and the work is fantastic!!! If you wouldn't mind, I would love to hear some honest criticisms from you on my blog. Tell me what you think, I'd love to hear what you would have to say about the good and the bad.

  11. This is quite amazing! Very nice style! I love it!

  12. Love, the perpective and the action on this.

  13. Vehicles in general scare me. Good on ya

  14. Jesus rollerskating christ, this is one of the coolest drawings i've ever seen. I must get a poster sized print of this. Please make this a possibility.

  15. Houlala, it's about time for me to check in and add a big MERCI to you , Captain Bill !
    Thanks also for the sweet words and Joey Lee is right, about the poster :)

  16. Great piece ! I'm voting for a poster version too ;)
    And it's true that Jean is an incredible airplane drawer.

  17. OW BOY!I like it!
    Sometime is great to be a pilot!

  18. He draws airplanes like you draw girls, which is to say, very well indeed.

  19. Nice work Bill as always, and congratulation on getting married. Best wishes to you and your wife.


  20. the pilot must be veeeeery happy.

  21. Sweet blog dude, it's my first time here and I'll definately be back fro some inspiration

  22. I loved your drawings, stile, colours, everything! Keep working!

  23. fantabulous!its rocking as always.

  24. Fantastic action illustration! (and love the plane btw)


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