Friday, July 3, 2009

Art of UP

I finally got my copy of the Art of UP book. A little late I know. I usually don't like to mix my work at Pixar with my personal work here on the blog, but I'm very proud to have some art in the book. I loved working on this film and this book is a great memento for me, plus it's a chance for you to get a glimpse of my regular storyboard work.

Now if only they'd spell my name right.


  1. I need to get one of these!

    I'm pretty sure I made the double "S" error when I posted your link on our blog too, long since corrected though!

  2. I didn't know you worked for Pixar, I had hoped to work there someday. what's it like?

  3. I did notice that mis-spelling earlier .. but at least you got a mention! The art book for the only feature I've been fortunate enough to work on didn't use anything of mine in it.

    I'd love to see some of the stuff you've done for THE VENTURE BROTHERS, someday .. if you choose to share it.

    .. but the 'cheesecake' is always more than welcome, of course! ^_^

    /just leaving for Gallery Nucleus to pick up a copy of Yuki 7 ..

  4. It's a nicebook.
    I wished there's more storyboard work in there.

  5. Rico,
    The double "S" is an easy mistake, I understand it. But heck, this mistake really should have been caught.

    It's awesome.

    What did you do on UP? There's TONS of art they don't use in the books. They can only fit so much I guess.
    I've been meaning to post some of my old venture work for awhile. Glad someone wants to see it.

    I know what you mean. I wish they had some spreads with full sequences in them. Especially by Ronnie Del Carmen, his boarding is masterful.
    I think this book has more boards than usual though.

  6. That board looks sick! So appealing!

  7. I didn't work on UP (I could only wish!), I was referring to a Nickelodeon feature I'd once worked on.

    I saw your inked original for the Yuki 7 book at the Gallery Nucleus show in L.A. earlier tonight .. but it had already been 'sold' when I got there (and I got there just 15 minutes after it started!) Congrats on that .. it's a sweet piece.

  8. Droosan,
    Ah, I misunderstood. Sorry about that.

    Wow! Just 15 minutes in huh? I didn't think it'd go that fast.

  9. I got my copy a few weeks ago, I did have a look and your work int here is stunning! But I try to keep myself away from the book for now, I already feel like I know to much about Up...

    We have to wait till october (!) here in Europe to see Pixar's latest. It's a long wait but I hear it's worth it!

  10. Same thing for me in France, Bill :o/
    I'll wait for the release of the movie to order the book, as I don't think I'm able to wait to have a look inside if I buy it before !!

  11. i saw that mistake too! i think elsewhere they spell ur name rite tho, correct?

    annndddd congrats and have a blast in meheeco!

  12. I wouldn't mind if you mix a little more of your personal work.
    It’s always fun to see the work progress of movies.
    And I just love the dog on the front.
    Great stuff.

  13. Bill, do you know of any other errors in the book?



  14. Great blog! Congrats on getting your work in the book, it's an awesome "art of", love the style of the movie.


  15. Since the film is not yet released in France I haven't open my art book of Up but man, I think i'll break the rule to see your art !

  16. I LOVE the drawings you did Bill. Especially this one!

  17. Hello, Bill.
    Eduardo Figueiredo am a big fan yours.
    I have followed your blog and am constantly inspired by my work, I believe that one day we can work together. I have great ideas, but I guess not ready to face the market. Meanwhile I'm preparing a great collection and later a short film with high initial quality.

    A big hug and I'm anxiously to see the film because only debut in Brazil in September.

    Ps.: I would like to exchange emails with you and Mathieu Reynes. If you can send me your contact I am very grateful, I would send this email to you, drawing on their omenagem. My email is

    A strong hug and I await your contact.

  18. Hi Bill, congratulations for your wonderful work! it is always good and very useful to look around here, I love "Up" to me is the best of all Pixar's movies, so I like very much the fact that it has been set in jungles of Venezuela.

    Cheers man!


  19. CONGRATS !!great work i can wait to buy the book :-) i already have the fluide glacial editions copy of your amazing work recommended by richard from akileos ! are you going to be at the comicon this year ?




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