Monday, April 27, 2009


I've produced this new print of my Lance-Corporal piece that I did recently. It's a limited print which is a first time for me (I usually do open prints). There will only be 30 of them made. They'll be sold exclusively by Action Figure Freddy in San Francisco. I'm guessing they'll go on sale this week sometime. AFF also sells my other prints and Bookplate Betties, so if you're in the hood and want to pick'em up that's a good place to do it.


    i love that pic; hope they don't all get snaffled up before i get a chance to buy one.

  2. Grabbin' myself one tomorrow! One of my faves. Say, where did it go for auction?

  3. superb work, love the street fighter piece!!!

  4. What a great piece! Awesome. That's almost worth the drive all the to SF from up by Chico.

    Actually, that is completely worth the drive. I just can't afford it.

  5. Hey Adam,
    Actually I think the auction may not have happened yet. I haven't heard any news anyway.

  6. love this drawing!! That Chun Li piece is really clever...I actually pictured myself playing the game and having to choose which color to pick. So many options :)

  7. Your Blog and your arts are great!! lovely lovely!

  8. Is there anywhere else you sell your prints?

  9. Hey there Illustrator's Lounge,
    I sell my prints at conventions whenever I go. I'll be at the upcoming Super-con in San Jose.
    Gallery Nucleus has my Peeping Totoro print.
    And House of Secrets down in Burbank carries a few of them.

  10. Nice! Love the ChunLi take on your previous post too.

  11. wooo!
    mine turned up today! looks fantastic.
    unfortunately it was damaged boo hiss :(
    the print is beautiful though, thanks Bill!

  12. man I come to your blog, I really love all your work, love the fact that you use watercolor, also I would love to order a copy of the max steel trade paperback, but I really don't have a credit card, is there any other way I can order one.


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