Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wondercon Commissions

Wondercon was fun as always. Business was a bit slow overall though. Which wasn't so bad since it gave me some more time to spend on commissions.


  1. I really like Kitty and Lockheed. Great illo's once again!

  2. Sweet commissions! I am partial to Sally, looks very cool.

  3. Oooh, Sally is so great. (They all are.)

  4. I'm just glad Rex Steele wasn't sold out. I heard a lot about it and was hoping to get my hands on a copy.

    'Had quite a time finding you though. I think I finally found you while you were doing the harley & ivy one haha.

  5. Very nice Bill, I like very much the shy girl place up at right, beautifull.


  6. Beauties one and all. What part of "business" was slow? The whole con? The recent NYComicCon was insanely busy all 3 days...what recession?

  7. Sally looks excellent, but I also love the naked bookworm.

    (does that make me a pervert or something?)

  8. Mike,
    Friday I did almost no business, Saturday was best, Sunday was so-so. I think it was mostly my location, I was in an out of the way place. People said they had a hard time finding me.
    The crowds were enormous on Saturday, I don't think I've ever seen so many people at wondercon before. They just weren't buying from me too much.

  9. Sweet! Missed stopping by your booth. We were too stuck behind ours (which is the way it goes it seems). How much were you charging for commissions?

  10. Meh, blame it on the economy. Stupid economy...

    Lovely work! The Natalie Portman one is my favorite :)

  11. Nice to see a character like Sally from you, great work Bill. And the Poison Ivy/ Harley combo is great as well!

  12. Will you be in the same location at Comic-Con this year? Oh, and will you do commissions there, or does it get too busy?

  13. Doug,
    Actually I won't be making it to comic-con this year. But yeah, normally I do commissions there.

  14. I LOVE them all (even if Harley have a special place in my h...) !

  15. Nice stuff man! Really like the design of some of the ideas!Funny Stuff


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