Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Return to France! Part 2

I must say that I've never been anywhere where the people have been as welcoming and generous as the people I've met in France. This was my second time back and I hope for many returns.

Arludik. The show was a wonderful success (still is actually, it will be hanging for the rest of the summer) and the turn out was just as good. Ironically there was a huge group of American students who were studying abroad that showed up. They're part of a group called the Shrunkenheadman Club at San Jose State which is not all that far from where I live. Go figure.

I was lucky enough to see many of the great artists that I met last time as well as meeting a lot more.
Here I am looking less than hip next to these awesome ultra hip Chinese comic book artists. Lu Ming on the far left and Benjamin on the far right.

I was happy to see that the show was well advertised around town too.

One of the most pleasant surprises of the trip (much lesser than getting engaged but still good) was stumbling upon an exhibition of one of my Favorite cartoonists, Kiraz. Wow it was amazing. I wish it was near my house so I could go there for daily inspiration. It's hanging at the Carnavalet Museum in Paris. I'm sure if you live in the area you must know about it already, if not, go. You wont regret it.
even the ads were awesome.

Check out the blog of by beautiful fiancée for more details of the trip, including a way cool drawing demo by Arthur de Pins, and some nifty Raving Rabbids toys from my friend John Banana.


  1. wow, looks like a wonderful time. i love the way art is so well respected in France. im thinking of taking a trip there next year.


  2. Congrats on a successful show! The photos look great and Ahh!! you got to see KIRAZ's originals !!!! I'm SO jealous. I miss France but I'm glad you guys had a memorable time there :)

  3. 4 greats + 1 legendary Master Kiraz...
    what a event!

  4. you didn't get a justifiable number of comments for this one, I think.

  5. Such a great show, and a pleasant surprise for us to find it during our short time in Paris (a month is a long time, but never long enough when it's in Paris). The work was great and super inspirational. Thanks for all your time talking to us, it was really informative. And mentioning us on the blog is really cool too.

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  8. My congratulations on a successful show! One of the most pleasant surprises of the trip! Remember that our can be of any writing/editing use! Check this out by following our website!


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