Thursday, July 17, 2008


My new book arrived! Wow, just in time for Comic-con too. That was a close one.
I was hoping to do one or two more posts on the production process before they came, but that can wait till later.

They'll officially go on sale at Comic-con, you can find me and them at booth 4800 Along with Scott Morse and Jeff Pidgeon.

They look exactly like I imagined them, I couldn't be happier.

The book measures 7" by 5 1/2" and is 192 pages chock full of girls girls girls.

Here's what they look like sitting in my office at the moment (most of them anyway).
As I was stacking them I suddenly realized what it must feel like to be Wall-E.


  1. Super awesome-looking book, Bill. Can't wait to grab one...or two. ;)

  2. The books look fantastic. I'll have to have a friend of mine grab one before they're all sold out!

  3. Hi Bill,
    Congrats on the new book. It looks fantastic. I dropped you an email regarding obtaining a copy of it, since I won't be able to make it out to SDCC.

    Let me know if you don't receive it.


  4. hehehe... love the Wall E comment.
    The book looks absolutely stunning! Please save us a couple copies! See you soon

  5. Wednesday can't get here fast enough!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow! Just wow! Can't wait to get this book, sadly I won't be able to attend CC cause I'm moving soon and money and college, but I'll find some way to get one, right?

  8. This book looks absolutely beautiful! I have your Belle du jour (maybe you remember sending one to Estonia, actually two, as one of my friends ordered it too when he saw mine :) and I totally love it! Style, lines, colors, textures...

    One of my American friends will be in SDCC, I hope he could get me BPB. And, if everything goes right, I'll be in Paris in mid August, looking forward to Galerie Arludik too!

  9. Will there be any copies available after the con!?! Unfortunately I cannot make it this year. Looks like a def must have!

  10. Congratulations Bill! It looks like something really nice to hold in my hands :)

  11. I hope we'll find it soon in the shop on your blog : San Diego is a little bit far from Paris.
    So bad it was not ready for Arludik's exhibition :-(((

  12. Yum yum !
    Hope I can get a copy, too !


  13. It looks awesome! I eager to have this...But I can't go at SDCC. I wish I could do online shopping on this blog.

  14. Let us know when it's possible to get copies from your blog. Don't sell all of them at the SDCC ! ;)

  15. .... and the on-line sales start when?? :)

  16. Don't worry guys, I think I'll have more than enough with me at Comic con. And I'll still have more than half of the print run set aside for online sales when I get back from San Diego.

  17. Your previous book was a treat so I will have get this one as well! Looks great from what I can see so far. I'll have to get it on-line though, no way can I make it to SDCC.

  18. Oh Wow... I just got your other one and it's great! And now you bring out another... Expect an order from Wales. Big Claps!

  19. Cool book (got here way of Cartoon Brew). I also like the fact that some of your boxes are listed as "#85 of 79" and the like... haha.

  20. Congratulations on a really exciting book! beautiful!

  21. Wow, what a gorgeous looking book. Glad to hear you'll be selling them online too, for those of us that won't be at the comic-con.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Oh man, I'll have to pick this up - Are you sending any to NY via Matt peters?

  24. Your drawings look cute, Bill. ;P

  25. Great pics!! I will get a book very soon!! The way you draw the ladies would make Freddie Moore very proud!

  26. Getting turned on by cartoons is a weird feeling.

  27. i really love cartoons... it make me reminisce my childhood.. i love it... review


  28. Hello all right!?

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    If you can help me with this information, thank you.

    Hugs and I will be waiting for a return.

    My e-mail
    s.henriqueabreu @

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