Monday, June 16, 2008

Project: Process. Part II

My original idea for the cover was to print a pattern on it and that the registration could shift from copy to copy making each one unique. Turns out the printer couldn't do that, so I wound up doing one solid design. I think I like this better anyway.
Here's the inked cover art.

And here's the full wrap around cover design.

This is the full case (or cover) assembly guide I made for the printer. I tried to make it as detailed as possible so there would be no question about my intentions for the final product.

Shortly after that I received this case mock up demonstrating what the final double foil treatment for the spine would look like.


  1. can't wait to pick this up at comic con! just make sure u save me one for friday, cuz i can't make it on thursday!

  2. Your fans certainly appreciate all the effort and care your putting into the design of this book, Bill. Looks fantastic! Somebody going to the con has agreed to pick me up a copy. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. Looks good! Can't wait to get my hands on one!

  4. Looks good to my humble eyes--beautifully drawn & designed!!!

  5. damn, this is already my favorite book and it's not even out yet ;)

  6. Thanks for sharing the process. The cover looks beautiful.

  7. Hey Bill, believe it or not, your book last year was the ONLY thing I purchased at Con. I can't wait to get my hands on this one, too. Congrats, it looks fabulous!

  8. This is looking great! I can't wait to get my hands on one!!

  9. Beautifull cover design :)
    Belle du jour was very inspiring to me. Can't wait to get this new one !

  10. Bill,
    Thanks for the behind the scenes view of things. The book looks gorgeous and I'm looking forward to picking up a copy!

  11. Bill,
    Thanks for the behind the scenes view of things. The book looks gorgeous and I'm looking forward to picking up a copy!

  12. what a gorgeous cover! Going to have to pick one up for sure!!

  13. gorgeous cover illustrations Bill. I'll be picking one up for sure.

  14. Ahh I can't wait for this one! Best girl drawings ever!

  15. Wow! I just absolutely adore your artwork!! Hopefully you'll have some for sale online since I can't make it to SDCC (since I live in another country!!) ^_^

    I wish you all the best. The book looks fantastic! :)

  16. It's really neat to see the process you go through to produce such a nice volume! Can't wait to get one in person!

  17. Its nice to see the progress. I can`t wait to se the fisned book. Nice work man

  18. Good Lawd am I excited for this!

  19. Wow. That's one beautiful piece of work. Gorgeous dames and infotainment- a full-service blog!

  20. Hi !
    Do you confirm you will be on june 24th at arludic's gallery ?

  21. Thanks everybody, I've got some more to show soon.

    Yes indeed, I will be at the Arludik show on the 24th. Hope to see you there.

  22. great design. Do you always prepare covers with such precise instructions?

  23. Whoa, that's wonderful! I can't wait to get your new book!

  24. Nice to meet you !
    So bad the book was not ready yet ! Thanks to have let me look at the project.
    By the way, I finally went out with "Bugging for Sex" :-)

  25. Oh Boy!! This looks awesome I will definitely be getting a copy of this at comic-con and it will be great to finally meet you Bill!!

  26. This is sweet, Bill! Thanks for sharing the process. Hopefully I can get my paws on one of these bad boys!

  27. quite awesome bill...
    Love the attention to detail and your desire to design eveything from top to bottom... great eye.
    Just putting a couple of measly artbooks together myself Ive experienced just how much fun it is to put these things together....
    Great work as always, and cant wait to see it.

  28. Keep a copy warm for me at the Con :)

  29. I hope to god that there will be some sent to Labyrinth Store in Toronto... I got to get me one of these!!


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