Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hero Down.

Mike Wieringo passed away just this past Sunday. I'm quite devastated by it, even though I barely knew him. I've been a huge fan and admirer of his work since I was a student. He was truly one of the greats in my mind, and truly humble. In appreciation I wanted to post this pin up he did for Matt Peters and myself for our Rex Steele book a few years ago. We will miss him.


  1. Mike was, no scratch that, is the best and it was this pin-up on his site, one of my favorites of his, that turned my on to you and Rex Steele.

    Together with his best friend Todd Dezago, Mike created the great fantasy tale Tellos which was his favorite out of all his comic work.

    In the next couple of weeks Image will be releasing an oversized hardcover collecting the original story by Todd and Mike with a new wrap around cover by Mike.

    I can think of no more fitting tribute to the man than for the fans to make this edition of Tellos the best seller it so richly deserves to be.

  2. Agreed. I've already pre-ordered mine.

  3. I've got mine ordered as well. Having only met Mike once, he seemed like just a great, nice guy. Having been a fan of his work for years, I'm sad that we'll no longer get new work, and I'll cherish what we do have.

    My thoughts are with his family and friends.

  4. this news really got to me. I had only discovered his work recently, mainly through his blog which I visited daily, but I became a big fan right away.

    Very very sad.

  5. Great drawing!

    I'm sorry for your loss. I'm a big fan of his artwork - he was a big inspiration for me and a lot of people. Although he's moved on, he and his artwork will continue to inspire :)

  6. B,
    nice blog man. i love your water colors? or is it gouache.

    Mike was a great guy and i also barely knew him but exchanged admiration for each others work and he has always been the nicest guy to me. i had a conversation with him once about how he wanted so much to do a more animatied/cartoony style and look for the superhero books he was on but was always rejected by the editors until he did his own stuff. i like that he was one of the few that loved animation and comics and tried to bring the two worlds together in his style.


  7. Mike's passing is a real loss to all of us. He was one of the very few comic artists that didn't focus on the grim and gritty, his stuff was actually FUN! Imagine that, fun in comics!

  8. I know, he really made comics fun. That's something I admire alot and try to get into my own work.

  9. it was shocking...
    he was awesome...


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