Saturday, July 14, 2007

Operation: Impossible

I'm afraid that all of the bookplates that I've posted so far have been for friends. The selection below represents the first of the original art bookplates that will be available to buy in the limited edition of my book. I'm really having a lot of fun making these things. So much fun in fact that I'm toying with the idea of publishing a book of bookplates for next years con.


  1. EGAD! More Super Terrific work!!! Cannot wait for your book!

  2. I love your drawings of women, Bill. Top-notch! Beautiful stuff.

  3. Each one of these flows so beautifully and elegantly. I love the top ones little stomach.

  4. Fantastic stuff! Still want to cast my vote for another series of Island Girls to be done for the con. Or Devil Girls, love that red pencil one you did way back when. See you at the con!

  5. These are so damn beautiful,inspiring really...thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm still nto sure I understand what a book plate is, but I don't care, these are great and I know I'd buy a book of them without hesitation.

  7. Very nice! I was planning to order a regular edition of the book after San Diego, and I would love to get a book of all these some day.

  8. cannot lie. I love your appraoch(to hopefully finals). Great stuff. Hope to see som final pieces.

  9. DAMN! Really nice... curves. Beautifully tastefully done if i may say so myself. Excellent work.

  10. Amazing cheesecake-y goodness! Can't wait to be able to order the book.

  11. Mad good, fine, fun. Lovely as ever.

  12. You should make these into a book.

  13. Bill, my friend,
    these are rediculously amazing...
    Beautiful stuff...
    So how does it work? Is it first come first serve? Are they surprise?

    I'll be there on Wednesday setting up at table F5, Hopefully I can score one!

  14. fantastic! I love the "book of book plates" idea, I'll definitely be in line for that one!


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