Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Dangerous Mission.

I wanted to give a call out to any artists out there who might be interested in donating art to the Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society. They are having an art sale to raise funds for their animal shelter, which is private and runs on donations alone. It's a great shelter, they have a very high adoption rate, and a very low if non existent euthanasia rate.

The fundraiser is called the "Purr-casso" (don't look at me, I didn't name it) as the art is to be cat themed.
The deadline for the registration was moved to JULY 20th. The deadline for submitting artwork is OCTOBER 15 and the event takes place on NOVEMBER 4TH at Hollis Street Project in Emeryville. The information about the details of artwork don't have to be accurate at this point (other than being cat related).

You can download the pdf forms HERE.

I'll be submitting a piece myself. I'll let you guys know when I do it.


  1. That's great. I'm in. Mind if I forward/re-use this post on my blog?

  2. This is great Bill.
    Thanks for posting it.

  3. Cool. I'm in. Thanks for posting this Bill

  4. Awesome! I used to volunteer @ the SPCA in San Francisco, and am glad I now have the chance to contribute art for our fellow animals' cause!


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