Monday, June 18, 2007

Orders For Eagles.

I was in LA this weekend for a friends wedding. While I was there I went to Disneyland mostly because I wanted to see this exhibition of Disney Golden Book art. Fantastic! Very inspiring! It's amazing to see such art up close, you can really see the technique. I highly recommend going, It's small but great. It's a little bit hidden in a small room off to the side of the gallery above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.


  1. I love going up to the Gallery! Such a great way to see some remarkable art! It has to be one of my favorite parts of the park!

  2. Shame, really, that Pirates of the Carribean stuff hides such wonderful examples of fine art.

  3. You're blog is great, Bill. Beautiful work. Hey Dude, thanks for hitting the blog. Been a while, huh? Let's catch up soon...

  4. wow those are so gorgeous up close! thanks for sharing them. I grew up with those books and they've really influenced my work.

  5. Stunning. Did those guys own hot/cute or what?


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