Saturday, May 26, 2007

Adventure Beckons.

Hi I'm Bill. I'm a story artist mainly, sometimes I do some comics if I'm lucky. I'm starting this blog in an attempt to trick myself into drawing more. More fun stuff for myself anyway (I draw at work all day but I can't show that stuff to nobody). Hopefully I can get to the point where I can be enthusiastic about drawing stuff besides girls. We'll see.
So anyway, welcome! Take off your shoes and make yourself comfy, but please close the door when you leave, this place isn't a barn you know.


  1. Yay Bill! Thrilled to see it and I'll be back often!

  2. Haha! YES! Dude, I can't wait to see more of your work. I miss it big time!

  3. Jeez, about time!
    Very awesome Bill! Your work is so amazing,
    I'm glad you now have this venue to show it, and I hope it does encourage you to make new stuff!

  4. Thanks guys. I hope it encourages me to make new stuff too. Unfortunately I have quite a big backlog to keep me lazy for a long time.

  5. Hi Bill, amazing work, can't wait to see more.

  6. Do not stop drawing the babes.
    If you do the world will end!

  7. i love your girls!
    do you actually NEED to draw anything else?

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