As usual, I start with a rough. As you can see I changed the hair in the final.

After transferring to the colored paper, the first step I took this time was to "ink" the line work with a brush. The black areas are actual ink, the rest of the lines are acrylic.

Then I built up the shading with acrylic washes.

And lastly I hit it with a transparent later of concentrated watercolor. That stuff can be really bright, I toned it down a lot on this one. I used a little gouache as well for the highlights and white areas.

Simultaneous to all that I like to make a color study, It's basically a guinea pig for the real thing.

Interesting to see the step by step: shows how deliberate and how much skill it took to complete. Nice job!
I love your mermaids, so cute.
Thank you for your beautifull girls
It's just great!! thanks for the step by step!
love seeing this stuff! please teach a class or workshop. something!
awesome!! ^^
Beautiful! It's nice to see your painting process!
fantastic, hope to see more from you soon
Thank you for sharing! These are great :)
gorgeous stuff! nice to see the step by step also ;)
I once tried to inmate your coloring style, only in a computer
It was pretty close, but I don't think a computer program could actually mimic your water color work
And I don't have your talent, and patience for the little make as good a work as you do
Keep it up
Love every piece of art you make
Even thou I still don’t understand why would a mermaid have feet under her fish tail
Espetacular! Parabéns!
Muito legal o passo a passo, amigão!
Sorte e sucesso.
Beautiful silhouettes and your sense of dimension and perspective on those angel fish are just heavenly.
Thanks, this was great!!!!
wow so good!
I bow in awe of your beautiful lines and color. Bravo!
Awesome girl once again ! Yay !
Great Art!!!! Greetings from México!
Amazing! I love the way you use acrylics, so clean and trasparent :D
have a nice day
Thank you for posting the process, always a great inspiration. Fantastic piece! :)
As always, sir... Your work is stunning!
Hi Bill!
Im a great fan of your work! Thanks for this step to step!
I have a simple question:
What kind of paper do you use or recommend?
Thank you so much!
Thank You for sharing this. This work is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time.
Great work! I like your character designs.
Now why couldn't she have looked like that in the animated movie.
oh my, this is great!
really like this colour study!:)
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