My friend
Andy Ristaino is the sole proprietor of his "
The Post It Project", which is a way cool blog showcasing post it note art on a daily basis. I drew this little number for him at Wondercon. Check out his
site for more crazyness.

And here's a random selection of some of the commissions I took during Wondercon.

super hot! i don't know how you're able to draw so confidently at the conventions. my nerves always get the best of me!
Great con pieces, Bill! My little collection feels so incomplete...
Awesome work!
Amazing stuff, Bill! Sorry I missed it.....
Super stuff. Wish I could have made that con.
Great stuff Bill. You certainly leave nothing on the table with your con commission sketches.
Question for you - any idea when you think you'll have the remaining Belle's with remark sketches in them up for sale?
Another question (sorry) - Any plans to be at Wizard World Chicago this year?
Yeah, my nerves used to get the best of me too. I know the feeling. The constant unrelenting pressure of being a story artist managed to wipe that away in recent years.
As for the remaining limited edition Belle du Jours, I should have them done pretty soon. As I'm printing all of the bookplates in a new book for comicon, I'll need them all soon to be able to go to press. So I'm thinking in the next Month or two they sould be done.
As far as Wizard con, I have no plans. The next conventions I'm attending is Calgary Expo and Super Con in San Jose.
Omigosh, I LOVE the Nausicaa piece!! That makes me so happy!
Recently saw you in a photo with Brad Bird along with the story artists of Ratatouille! GRATS Bill!
How many more bookplate versions of Belle do you have left to do (or better, how many will be available?) I couldn't get to SDCC, so I missed out the first time.
your work always inspires me!!!
Fantastic drawings, Bill!
smart and glamourous! Respect!
Hi Bill, Do you ever do commissions outside of conventions? I love your work, but I can't get to as many shows as I'd like these days.
great scribbles!
I like the dark cluster of ivy in that inky PI drawing, Bill. Hope you had great fun at WonderCon.
love the Vampirella sketch you did Bill. It inspired me to try my hand at it. You sir are awesome!
It was great watching you do those sketches at Wondercon! Beautiful work Bill and thanks again for the little paintings! The students love them.
Hey Bill- great post! That Vampirella is bloody marvelous.
Your Nausicäa is amazing.
Did you enjoyed the con ?
How much do you sale your comissions ? (Don't answer if it's not an appropriate question ;-) )
I love all of your girls!!!! Nice work!! :D
Lovely as ever Bill. The top most image is really impressive. I love how the image starts abstractly and then comes into focus.
Joe y Elio
These are really nice! Cool to see some Nausicaa art, there too. Always great to stop by here :)
saaaah-weeet! Great to see a whole bunch of new art at once too. Love those Poison Ivy pics ...really nice!
I was just wondering if it was alright that I put a link to you in my blog? If not, just let me know!
sweet, diggin them ivys!!
Great work. Saw your work in Swallow number four. Congrats man!
Super! I think I need one of your books to learn something about your naughty girls style. Congrats.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
You-are-great!!!°O° Vampirella is beautiful!!!
Thanks for the positive comments everybody.
I have 30 bookplate editions of Belle du Jour left. They'll be available soonish.
Rob and Bannister,
I do do commissions, but I'm way too busy at the moment. As far as cost it really depends on how involved the piece is.
Of course you may link to my blog. Be my guest.
Wow. What a cool pose she's in blowing the smoke away from the gun. I have a question if you have time to answer. I see you have a book and I was wondering if you publish it yourself and if you do where did you go to find out how?
Beyond that I'm inspired by your girl artwork. Very cool. I shall now go and draw some myself!
Best commissions eva!
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