Throne of Blood was the first Akira Kurosawa film I ever saw. I was in high school studying Macbeth in lit class and our teacher showed us this movie since it's considered to be one of (if not the) best film adaptation of the play. Admittedly it was pretty slow paced for my teenage self but the ending to that movie was burned into my brain forever. I've been a huge Kurosawa fan ever since.
Scott Morse asked me to contribute a piece to the Tr!ckster/Criterion Collection Akira Kurosawa one night only art auction benefit for Japan relief. At Tr!ckster in San Diego Friday, July 22, 2011.
Other contributing artist are:
Mike Allred, Scott C., Josh Cochran, Francesco Francavilla, Robert Goodin, Victor Kerlow, Ted Mathot, Scott Morse, Sho Murase, Yuko Shimizu, Jim Rugg, Bill Sienkiewicz, and Connor Willumsen.